The UK is experiencing a rise in Covid-19 deaths despite it being summer and 75% of adults being vaccinated, but it isn’t the unvaccinated that are dying…

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The UK is one of the most vaccinated countries in the world against Covid-19. Seventy-five percent of all adults are now allegedly fully vaccinated, and a further 12% have had at least one dose. Which would be great if they were not experimental and actually worked, because the UK is on the verge of a third wave, in the middle of summer, and the majority of those dying are the fully vaccinated. 

Out of the nation’s 68 million people, more than 47 million have received at least a single dose, and over 39 million have been fully vaccinated as of the 10th August 2021.

Yet for some peculiar reason more people are dying with Covid-19 now than people who were dying at the same time last year when there was no experimental injection on offer. On the 10th August 2021 the UK confirmed that there had been 146 alleged Covid-19 deaths, with the 7-day average being 88.9 deaths per day.

However rewind precisely one year and the UK confirmed that there had been 18 alleged Covid-19 deaths on the…

Read full story here: The UK is experiencing a rise in Covid-19 deaths despite it being summer and 75% of adults being vaccinated, but it isn’t the unvaccinated that are dying… – Daily Expose

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