The Truth Leaks Out Gradually

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Here are some of the Brownstone Institutes lastest posts from last week.

You Keep Using the Term ‘Authoritarian’ By Jeffrey Tucker. Any one president who takes action to curb the power of arbitrary authority is not an authoritarian, but rather one who seeks to give authority back to the people. Such a man would be an emancipator, even if everyone said otherwise.

UK Technocrats Sharpen the Knives of Manipulation By Gary Sidley. My recently published research leads to a startling conclusion: in every sphere of daily life, our thoughts and actions are being psychologically manipulated so as to align them with what the state’s technocrats deem to be in our best interests.

The Myth of the European “Far-Right Surge” By David Thunder. Anyone who describes these policies as “far-right” is either deluded or determined to discredit their political adversaries by any means available. Yet this sort of treatment of the new right in Europe is standard fare in mainstream Western media.

The NIAID is a Repeat Offender By Maryanne Demasi. Fresh off the back of Anthony Fauci and his former agency being accused of lying to lawmakers and covering up the origins of Covid-19, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) is embroiled in another scandal.

BBC Climate Disinformation Reporter Attacks Kenyan Farmer By Thi Thuy Van Dinh. I find it disgusting that a senior journalist, using modern technologies powered by fossil fuels, should write such a disdainful piece on one of the biggest media outlets about a young man who serves his community and people.

Jim Jordan Should Ask Fauci This… By Debbie Lerman. We know that the Intelligence Community was heavily involved in censoring Americans on many issues. So if anyone is interested in who initiated and enforced censorship of dissenting Covid voices, they should ask the following questions of Fauci under oath…

The 3 Drivers of US Consumers Hit a Wall By Peter St Onge. In short, consumer spending over the past year has been propped up by 3 things: incomes, savings, and debt. All are now out of runway.

Dr. Wolf’s Statement to the Royal Courts of Justice By Naomi Wolf. Ofcom referred to me in public documents as a “conspiracy theorist,” using that discrediting characterization of my work, as part of its decision to penalize (Mark) Steyn for airing the show in which I brought forth the evidence I did.

Australia’s ‘Covid Honour Roll’ is Absurd By Rebekah Barnett. In Australia, you can preside over human rights abuses, you can authorise police violence on citizens, you can blow millions-to-billions on cancelled infrastructure projects, and you can name-call from the bully pulpit…and we’ll give you an award for it.

Food Corruption: Fake Meat, GMOs, and Beyond By Tracy Thurman. Most readers are familiar with GMOs and how genetically modified organisms have been shown to cause significant health problems and how they have ruined the lives of independent farmers. Unfortunately, corruption of the food supply is advancing far beyond this.

One-Size-Fits-All Will Fail Every Time By Michael Tomlinson. Governments prepare to fight the next pandemic with the methods that led to defeat in the Covid-19 pandemic. They think it was a great triumph. Meanwhile, evidence mounts that the Covid-19 response was at best ineffective.

Triumph of the ‘Mass-Man’ By Thomas Harrington. The Pope cannot afford to be a mass-man, but he is one: unable to understand that his job is not to please his flock but rather to encourage them to become conscious of the historical reality of their own existence.

On the Edge of the Programmable Ledger: CBDCs By J.R. Bruning. New Zealand’s central bank, the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ), has opened a consultation on central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). RBNZ believes that around 2030 they will ‘introduce digital cash to Aotearoa New Zealand.’



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