The truth about vaccines that the CDC doesn’t want you to know

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On July 15, 2021, the US Surgeon General called COVID misinformation an “urgent threat.” We couldn’t agree more.

But what he neglects to say is that the misinformation is coming from the CDC, FDA, and NIH. Those organizations do not want you to know how many people have been killed or permanently disabled by the COVID vaccines.

They don’t want you to know that for the alpha variant, vaccination only makes sense if you are over 30 years old. Otherwise, we’ll kill more people (from the vaccine) than we will save. For the delta variant, because it is nearly 7 times less deadly, vaccination makes no sense at all: for all ages, it will kill more people than it will save. Finally, early treatments are the superior alternative: they are proven in practice to have a higher risk reduction and better safety profile than any of the current vaccines. The NIH and WHO are deliberately suppressing this information in order to push the “mass vaccination is the only option” false narrative (see this brilliant graphic).

Let’s take a look at the OFFICIAL PRIMARY DATA SOURCE that is used by the CDC and FDA to monitor adverse events caused by the vaccines. It is known as VAERS: vaccine adverse event reporting system.

Do you see anything “unusual” in 2021?

Normally, once over 50 people die, you’d stop the vaccine. For example, Back in 1976, 9 states halted the swine flu vaccine after just 3 deaths! Before it was halted nationwide, up to 32 people were estimated to have died and over 450 people were diagnosed with Guillain-Barre Syndrome.

But here, there is no limit to how many people can be killed. Nobody in government will call for a halt. We are at 438 cases of Guillain-Barre Syndrome, over 9,000 deaths reported, and 438,440 adverse event reports. This is a clinical trial without a stopping condition.


Full story here: The truth about vaccines that the CDC doesn’t want you to know

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