The Slippery Slope to Tyranny with Jan Markell

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The world is groaning in every category, and it lacks a leader. Biden, Macron, Trudeau, et al, have all demonstrated behavior that resembles the Keystone Kops. So what’s ahead?

I hear from a lot of people! Here are some of the scenarios they see playing out in the near term. They can’t all be right, but here’s a brief run-down of what many suggest is ahead of us. You may disagree with one or all points, but millions of people believe one of the following scenarios will play out.

1)   A great awakening is coming. A tremendous revival. The days of Joel 2:28 are coming when God pours out His Spirit upon all people. This will precede the Rapture of the Church.

2)   God is long suffering and patient and wants all to be saved, thus we have decades left to share the gospel and rescue the lost. Let’s occupy until He comes and not be so heavenly minded that we are no earthly good. We’ve heard about the Lord’s return for decades yet nothing happens.

3) In America, the forthcoming elections in 2022 and 2024 are going to turn America around. We can and will make America great again. Prosperity will return. Life will go back to normal. With the right people in office, earthly government works.

4)   The church is being perfected and tried by fire. But she will prevail and the church will correct the problems on this planet, fulfilling “On earth as it is in Heaven.” The church will have dominion over the whole earth and then Christ can return. (Kingdom Now/Dominion Theology)


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