The Science is Settled. Lockdowns are More Deadly Than the Virus and Masks Don’t Work

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A deadly combination of exponentially increased suicides, drug overdose, homicide, alcohol consumption, calorie consumption, delayed cancer screenings, spousal abuse, tuberculosis, and more is occurring. Researchers conclude this combination will outweigh deaths from COVID by multiples.

Data show very clearly that lockdowns have not only been completely ineffective, but they have been potentially as much as ten times more deadly than the coronavirus itself.

According to the UN there are 10,000 additional children dying a month during the lockdowns, and 550,000 additional children suffering malnutrition. There will also be 1.4 million additional people to die from untreated TB.

Almost 7,000 scientists, virologists, and infectious disease experts recently signed a declaration against lockdown measures, urging that citizens across the west should be able to get on with their lives as normal, and that lockdown rules in both the United States and the UK are causing “irreparable damage.”

Oxford University professor Dr. Sunetra Gupta was one of the authors of the open letter that was sent with the petition, along with Harvard University’s Dr. Martin Kulldorff and Stanford’s Dr. Jay Bhattacharya.

The declaration corresponds with other research that concludes lockdowns will “destroy at least seven times more years of human life” than they save.

Other studies find that debilitating stress and anxiety caused by the lockdown, including despair caused by job loss, could lead to a myriad of negative health issues that will take a far greater overall toll on human life than the number of lives saved by the shutdown.

How Deadly is the Virus? 


Read full story here: Source: The Science is Settled. Lockdowns are More Deadly Than the Virus and Masks Don’t Work. | The Red Elephants

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