The Rise of the Vaccine Cultists

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The mentality surrounding the Covid-19 vaccines is unlike anything we’ve ever seen. On one level, it’s easy to understand why people would be willing to do just about anything to relieve their fear, financial distress, emotional hardships, and longing for normalcy. On the other hand, why are so many who claim to “follow the science” willing to ignore the science behind these injections?

What we’re seeing is the rise of the Vaccine Cultists. They have made it part of their daily lives to “do their part” in making sure every human being on the planet is injected with a Covid-19 vaccine of some sort. From their perspective, it’s all about making it ubiquitous.

To those who have already acquired immunity through previous infection, they say, “Shut up and take the vaccine.”

To those who are young, healthy, and extremely unlikely to contract or spread Covid-19, they say, “Shut up and take the vaccine.”

To those who have questions about these experimental drugs that have not demonstrated efficacy on par with any vaccine in history, they say, “Shut up and take the vaccine.”

And to those who have legitimate concerns about the motives of Big Pharma and government, they say, “Shut up and take the vaccine you conspiracy theorist!”

Let’s make a clear delineation between “Vaccine Cultists” and basic pro-vaxxers. If you got your shots and you’re going about your business feeling secure that you’re protected, not worrying about whether others around you are also vaccinated, you’re just a basic pro-vaxxer and while I disagree with your choice, I hold no ill feelings towards you.

If you’re out there promoting the vaccines, begging or demanding friends and family get theirs, asking people who are in close proximity to you if they’ve been vaccinated, calling on your workplace to mandate vaccines, going on social media to attack Covid-vaccine-skeptics, or getting tattoos to commemorate your inoculation date, then you’re a Vaccine Cultist.

Read the full story here: Source: The Rise of the Vaccine Cultists

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