Story at-a-glance:

  • Bill Gates, who co-funded the startup of the imitation meat company Impossible Foods, now insists synthetic beef is a necessary strategy to address climate change.
  • Gates wants Americans and other Western nations to switch to a diet of 100% synthetic beef. Coincidentally, Oregon is now proposing a ballot initiative for the 2022 general election that would effectively ban most meat sales and consumption in the state.
  • Initiative Petition 13 would turn Oregon into a “sanctuary state for animals” by removing exemptions for good animal husbandry practices, criminalizing the raising and slaughtering of food animals and reclassifying traditional animal husbandry practices such as artificial insemination as “sexual assault.”
  • This falls in line with the net zero emission goals announced by the Biden administration, which aims to cut greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030, compared to 2005 levels, and reach zero emissions by 2050 at the latest.
  • Forcing people to cut or eliminate beef consumption is part of the climate agenda. Gates spells this out in his book, and the EAT Forum, which collaborates with nearly 40 governments around the world to transform the food system, works closely with imitation meat companies, including Impossible Foods.

Read more: Article Source: The Real Reason Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and Google Want You to Eat Lab-Grown ‘Meat’ • Children’s Health Defense