The real insurrection in the United States

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There’s been a lot of talk about insurrection in the United States lately. I suppose this is a good thing, seeing there has been an insurrection going on for the past several years. However, it’s not Donald Trump and January 6th that have been committing insurrection, but many parts of the federal government.

From the claims that Donald Trump incited insurrection on January 6th, 2021, to the Colorado Supreme Court concurrence with that fact, without any evidence, by the way, to the pundits and corporation media outlets crying from their proverbial rooftops. I agree there is an insurrection going on in the United States, but it’s not any of these examples.

Insurrection is defined by the Free Legal Dictionary as “A rebellion of citizens or subjects of a country against its government.” The rebellion against the government created by the Constitution has been in full swing for decades. Bureaucrats making regulations with the force of law, judges’ opinions being treated as law, and agencies bribing governments to subvert the Constitution are just some of the examples of the insurrection that has been building for over 20 years.

The American people have a choice. Sit back and watch while the insurrection and overthrow of the Constitution and the republic it created happens, or stand up and make our actions speak louder than the words we share. Stop voting for the donkeys and elephants that are trying to overthrow the legitimate government of our states and the United States. Stop complying with the illegal rules, orders, and mandates.

If you want to do something to save America without going to jail, I suggest you start by making sure your Sheriff will defend your rights or hire one that will do so.


Source: The real insurrection in the United States – America Out Loud News

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