The Puppet Master -The Puppet Government of Biden/Obama

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Is Joe Biden the president? Is someone else running the show behind the scenes? Was Biden a figurehead to defeat former President Donald Trump only to hand power back to a cadre of left-wing political operatives?

It sounds ridiculous to say, but many people believe such things. Admittedly, whenever Biden trips, falls, stumbles, or has one of his many blunders, such conspiracy theories look more legitimate. Perhaps that is why a new poll found that most voters believe former President Obama oversees the White House, not Biden.

A recent survey from Rasmussen Reports revealed that 63% of likely voters think “Obama is influencing the policies of the Biden administration,” including 40% who feel this puppet arrangement is “very likely.” Conversely, 29% of voters don’t believe such a thing, Rasmussen reported. This represents a stunning rebuke of Biden’s autonomy and an embarrassing indictment of his perceived weakness.

Many would argue the Biden administration has been a complete disaster and considerably worse than the Obama presidency. However, Biden has adhered to many of the guiding principles set forth by the Obama administration. This is not altogether surprising since he was Obama’s vice president. Nevertheless, it’s probably a stretch and unrealistic to think Obama controls the presidency behind the scenes. Then again, a comment from Obama several years ago might have added fuel to that conspiracy fire.

During an interview with left-wing CBS talk show host Stephen Colbert in November 2020, Obama discussed how he could get a third term. It was meant to be humorous; however, some could argue that Obama’s words eerily describe the current situation at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

“I used to say if I can make an arrangement where I had a stand-in or frontman or frontwoman, and they had an earpiece in, and I was just in my basement in my sweats looking through the stuff, and I could sort of deliver the lines while someone was doing all the talking and ceremony, I’d be fine with that because I found the work fascinating,” Obama said jokingly (or did he?).

Even when people think former President Donald J. Trump sounds crazy, the forty-fifth president highlights a sad truth. In a campaign rally, the former president accused his likely Democratic Party opponent, President Joe Biden, of being little more than a political sock puppet for Trump’s predecessor (and Biden’s old boss), the forty-fourth president, Barack Obama.

Enter the mainstream media to do what it does best: cover for the Democrats—specifically Obama—by categorically denying whatever claims Trump is making about the Democrats and Obama. And that, dear readers, is the tell that there’s something greater afoot and Trump is likely very much over the target.

Barack Obama is the Shadow President

You see, Obama has been the shadow president since he left office. It was Obama who orchestrated the Russia collusion investigation into Trump that dogged the forty-fifth president’s first two years in office.

Obama appointees led the crusade against Trump from within the Byzantine bureaucracy that is Washington, D.C. Barack Obama maintained a residence in the posh neighborhood of Kalorama in northwest D.C., where the sycophantic press nicknamed it the “headquarters of the Resistance” (the orchestrated movement by the American Left to undermine and destroy the Trump presidency from within). [2]

If anyone has questions regarding what we have witnessed in Obama’s third term ……..Obama 3.0, please review this list!


National Security Adviser 

Jake Sullivan is Obama’s deputy assistant and director of policy. 

Secretary of State 

Antony Blinken: Obama’s Deputy National Security Advisor (2013-2015) and Deputy Secretary of State (2015-2017). 

Secretary of Homeland Security 

Alejandro Mayorkas: Obama’s Director of US Citizenship and Immigration Services. He also managed the staffing of the DOJ Criminal Division. 

Director of National Intelligence 

Avril Haines was Obama’s Deputy Director of the CIA and then Deputy National Security Advisor. Biden promoted her to DNI in 2021. 

Ambassador to the United Nations 

Linda Thomas-Greenfield: Obama’s Director General of the Foreign Service and Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs. 

Administrator, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) 

Samantha Power: Obama’s transition team for the State Department and his UN Ambassador (2013-2017) 

Deputy Secretary of State 

Wendy Sherman: Obama’s Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs. Retired July 2023 and replaced by Victoria Nuland (acting) 


Director, National Economic Council 

(Replaced in 2023 by the Vice Chair of the Federal Reserve, Lael Brainard.) 

Brian Deese: Obama’s senior White House advisor, acting Director of the Office of Management and Budget, and National Economic Council Deputy Director. Subsequently. Deese was Global Head of Sustainable Investing at BlackRock before joining the Biden administration. 

Secretary of the Treasury 

Janet Yellen: Obama’s Chairman of the Federal Reserve and Biden’s appointment as Secretary of the Treasury. 

Chair, Council of Economic Advisers 

Cecilia Rouse: Obama member of the Council of Economic Advisors promoted to the Chair by Biden in 2021. Replaced by Jared Bernstein in March 2023, she will be President of the Brookings Institute in 2024. 

Deputy Secretary of the Treasury 

Adewale “Wally” Adeyemo: A Nigerian, Obama’s Deputy National Security Advisor for International Economics, and deputy director of the National Economic Council, then head of the Obama Foundation. 

Member, Council of Economic Advisers 

Jared Bernstein: VP Biden economic advisor during Obama years, then Biden appointed him Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors. 

Chair, Securities and Exchange Commission 

Gary Gensler: Obama’s Chair of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission then Chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission in 2021 

Attorney General 

Merrick Garland: Obama nominee for Justice of the Supreme Court after death of Antonin Scalia. Senate refused to vote on his nomination. Biden then made Garland U.S. Attorney General in 2021. 

Secretary of Agriculture 

Tom Vilsack: Obama’s Secretary of Agriculture, appointed by Biden in 2021. 

Secretary of Veterans Affairs 

Denis McDonough: Obama’s Deputy National Security Advisor, then Chief of Staff. Biden appointed him in 2021. 

Director, Office of Science and Technology Policy 

Eric Lander: Obama’s advisor on science and tech. Elevated to Cabinet in 2021. He resigned in 2022 for bullying, replaced by Alondra Nelson. 

Deputy Attorney General 

Lisa Monaco: Obama’s Homeland Security Advisor, appointed by Biden to Deputy Attorney General in 2021. 

Associate Attorney General 

Vanita Gupta: Obama’s Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights. promoted by Biden to Associate Attorney General in 2021. 

Surgeon General 

Dr. Vivek Murthy: Obama’s Surgeon General reappointed by Biden in 2021. 

Chairperson, Council on Environmental Quality 

Brenda Mallory: Obama’s General Counsel of the EPA, then promoted by Biden to Chair of Council on Environmental Quality. 


Chief of Staff 

Ron Klain: Obama’s Ebola Response Coordinator. Replaced by Jeff Zients, Obama’s Director of OMB and Director of the National Economic Council. 

Director, Domestic Policy Council 

Susan Rice: Obama’s National Security Advisor and UN Ambassador 

Special Presidential Envoy for Climate 

John Kerry: Obama’s Secretary of State. 

National Climate Adviser 

Gina McCarthy: Obama’s Administrator of the EPA. 

Director, Office of Legislative Affairs 

Louisa Terrell: Was Obama’s Legislative Aide 

Counsel to the President 

Dana Remus: Obama’s Deputy Assistant and Deputy Counsel for Ethics, then general counsel for the Obama Foundation and Michelle Obama. 

Comptroller General of the US 

Gene Dodero: appointed by Obama and still in office.  


Source: The Puppet Master -The Puppet Government of Biden/Obama

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