The Powell Report, And Everything In It

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Article Source: The Powell Report, And Everything In It

We have been saying it over and over again.

Director Of Intel John Ratcliffe has also said it.

Foreign countries and foreign actors have direct access to pretty much all of our critical infrastructures: including election software, associated networks, and tabulation hardware.

This should not be news to anyone.

The more advanced the world gets, the more dangerous it gets. This is not a ‘wild conspiracy’ this is actually very simple: if you build a complex system, there will be complex ways to hack it.

To me, it is wild that the mainstream media acts like our systems are untouchable…….

Sidney Powell recently released a 270-page report; this report puts a spotlight on critical points of breakage in our systems, and the threats posed by foreign actors via those weak points.

Both The Chinese Communist Party, and Iran were named in the report.

The report also lays down a foundational basis for throwing out the results of the 2020 election.

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