The Pfizer Effect: Government Reports suggest COVID Vaccine-Induced Autoimmune Deficiency Syndrome…

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…is partly to blame for 2 million Excess Deaths in the West over the past 2 years

Recent reports from the Governments of the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the UK and most of Europe have raised alarm bells as they confirm that 2 million excess deaths have been recorded since the mass roll-out of the Covid-19 injections.

Your Government and Mainstream Media are insisting the cause of this shocking rise in deaths is merely a coincidence and have thrown out excuses such as “climate change”, a crisis in healthcare, and even hypochondria which they renamed ‘Long Covid’.

But the evidence clearly suggests that whilst the Covid-19 injections may not be to blame for all of the excess deaths suffered since the roll-out, they are by far and large the biggest contributing factor. And one of the reasons why is the huge effect they have on the immune system.

Rather than improving the state of your immune system, Covid-19 vaccination has the opposite effect. With official Government reports suggesting the damage caused can be so severe that it can lead to what can only be described as COVID Vaccine-Induced Autoimmune Deficiency Syndrome.

The figures in the below chart have been provided to both the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) and EuroMOMO by each country’s Government organisations. The U.S. data has been provided by the Centers for Disease Control. The UK data has been provided by the Office for National Statistics. And Australia’s data has been provided by the Australian Bureau of Statistics and so on and so on.

So these aren’t independent estimates. They are official Government-authorized figures. And they show that the ‘Five Eyes’ countries and 26 other countries across Europe suffered 1.99 million excess deaths by various dates ranging from week 34 to week 49 of 2022 ever since the Covid-19 injections were first granted Emergency Use Authorisation (EUA).

The USA suffered 674,954 excess deaths in 2021, and then 434,520 excess deaths by week 49 of 2022.

This equates to an astounding 1.1 million excess deaths in just under two years across the USA.

Meanwhile, its neighbour Canada suffered 35,318 excess deaths in 2021 and then 25,333 excess deaths by week 34 of 2022. This compares to 31,042 excess deaths in 2020 by week 53.

However, when looking at the figures up to week 34 in both 2020 and 2021, it becomes clear that 2022 has in fact been the…

Read full story here: The Pfizer Effect: Government Reports suggest COVID Vaccine-Induced Autoimmune Deficiency Syndrome is partly to blame for 2 million Excess Deaths in the West over the past 2 years – The Expose

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