The Perfidious Dr. Fauci

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Rarely do one of our overlords ever get raked over in Congress.  Even then, it’s mostly for political theatre.  The front man for the entire infectious disease industry who has conspired with vaccine makers to usher in the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic is being pilloried in the court of public opinion these days.  What took so long?

When is somebody going to fire Anthony Fauci?  Maybe, like the banks, he is too big to fail.

There is strong talk on the floor of Congress that the National Institutes Of Infectious Disease, and its director Dr. Anthony Fauci in particular, indirectly underwrote “gain of function” tests in Wuhan, China, that resulted in the COVID-19 coronavirus mutation that allegedly escaped laboratory confinement in late 2019 to engulf the world in a viral pandemic of unprecedented proportion.  The initial research was conducted by Dr. Ralph Baric at the University of North Carolina that was halted in a moratorium over safety concerns.  That same lab received many NIH grants.

Congressman Rand Paul rakes Lord Fauci over these “gain of function” tests.  You can listen to the denials and doublespeak by Dr. Fauci, including “It was not done,” and “Let me explain why it was done.”

Whether the virus originated from bat caves in China or not, it is an unequivocal fact a US grant indirectly funded coronavirus experiments in China.  The Eco Health Alliance investigator assigned to check on the above allegation was in partnership with the lab in Wuhan, which, as Congressman Rand Paul asserts, looks like a coverup.

Even scientists from Stanford and MIT have signed a letter that the idea COVID-19 escaped out of a laboratory in Wuhan, China, cannot be dismissed and should be investigated.

The seeds for COVID-19 began were planted long before the pandemic

But this COVID-19 saga goes back to 2017 when Dr. Fauci made a statement that was not even a veiled claim, it was an overt threat.  In January of 2017 Dr. Fauci, concerned his institute wasn’t going to get funding he demanded, literally threatened the President of the United States that a surprise infectious disease would erupt during his Presidency if the money didn’t materialize.  USA TODAY fact- checked this statement and found it to be true.

In 2018 Dr. Fauci doubled-down on his threat, that an infection called Disease X, would kill 200 million.  Dr. Fauci demanded $7.5 billion to prevent it.  Dr. Fauci was quoted to say X meant “unexpected.”

Fauci mum on co-infection

Then when COVID-19 began to sweep across the globe, Dr. Fauci seemed to forget his prior claim that it wasn’t a virus alone that has caused the 1918 Spanish flu, but a virus combined with a bacterial infection (tuberculosis and/or staphylococcus) that killed millions, a fact he hasn’t re-uttered since the COVID-19 pandemic was announced in early 2020.  Maybe that is why so many deaths go unexplained even after vaccination for COVID-19.  Other pathogens are involved.  Vaccines narrowly targeted to kill of virally infected cells may not adequately immunize against the infectious pandemic now encircling the globe.

Who will protect Americans from Dr. Fauci?

But all this political and scientific theatre isn’t helping Americans cope with the high anxiety associated with this pandemic.  In 2003 Antony Fauci wrote in the journal NATURE: “The overriding objective of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) is to support biodefence research in order to provide people with countermeasures in the form of diagnostics, therapies and vaccines.” But who will protect the public from Dr. Fauci and the NIH?

 Read the full story here: Source: The Perfidious Dr. Fauci – LewRockwell

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