The new state religion in public school

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As parents sending our children off to school every day, are we inadvertently feeding our own children to the apostle-wolves of a new state religion? We believe that the answer is yes.

The new state religion into which our children are being indoctrinated is tSEL, Transformative Social Emotional Learning, and it has permeated every aspect of the educational system. tSEL wears a sophisticated costume and claims to be backed by rigorous scientific research. But from our perspective as two moms from Loudoun County, Virginia, it is indeed a religion because it demands scrupulous conformity and complete transformation of our children in service to the gods of equity and social justice to achieve a new sustainable global society.

What exactly is tSEL, this new religion disguised as knowledge that our children must learn and possess in order to participate in this new world order?

The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) describes it as the “implementation where young people and adults build strong, respectful, and lasting relationships to engage in co-learning” which “facilitates critical examination of individual and contextual factors that contribute to inequities and collaborative solutions that lead to personal, community, and societal well-being.”

It continues, “through SEL, students and adults develop social and emotional skills needed for school and community engagement, with a focus on rights and responsibilities for creating learning environments that are caring and just.”

It all sounds good and noble, right? And isn’t it beneficial for our children to learn the necessary skills to live their lives in the context of community? Yes, of course. But notice the bait and switch in the last part. If we aren’t careful we miss the yeast in disguise that is sprinkled in: “Environments that are caring and just.” We must then ask: “Caring and just” according to whom?

According to the Collaborative of Spirituality in Education founded by Steven Rockefeller, “Spiritual and moral development not only benefits the individual child; it is critical for building a society of engaged citizens committed to the common good, the renewal of American democracy, and sustainable development. Fostering spirituality in children before it goes dormant is of critical importance if the nation is to generate the quality of future leadership so urgently needed in all sectors and institutions. The Collaborative for Spirituality in Education (CSE) is planting the seeds of social change and nurturing spiritually aware citizens and leaders for a new generation.” CSE partners with CASEL, both of which are wolves in sheep’s clothing, to sneak their spirituality lessons into the classrooms through SEL.

Psalm 139 declares that God created our children’s inmost being; He knit them together in their mother’s womb. This is the very truth that tSEL seeks to steal and systematically destroy, shredding the threads with which God intricately knitted our children so beautifully together. Our children are fearfully and wonderfully made by their Creator. They do not need to be “transformed” in an attempt to bring them into compliance with the teachings of this new-fangled, state-sanctioned dogma.

Among the many destructive things tSEL does while using this experimental curriculum, it secretly turns our children into lab rats, by which they collect storehouses of data without parental consent. Conformity to the tSEL moral compass is absolutely mandated. Embedded in the fundamentals of SEL are self and social awareness, relationship and decision-making skills as well as self-management which are being cloaked as “competencies” in an attempt to camouflage this religious altar.

Under tSEL-defined competencies, our children are being psychologically conditioned to choose their sex contrary to their God-given biology. They are being taught to celebrate transgenderism as the new normal, including permanent surgical mutilation and chemical sterilization of their peers that their parents likely disavow. They are being taught that their skin pigmentation determines how they are defined, as either the oppressors or the oppressed, and in turn what they are entitled to. They are being taught that “other generations,” meaning their parents, are not prepared to help them. They are being taught to be radical activists. Their classrooms and school libraries have received a sudden infusion of pornographic and hyper-sexualized books.

Under the Obama administration’s Every Child Succeeds Act (ESSA) and the Biden administration’s American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), school systems are being systematically dismantled and replaced with a nefarious social experiment that is erecting massive altars to a false ideology with Marxist, critical theory roots. But instead of stone altars, the scaffolding is tSEL, aimed at sacrificing the entire next generation of children to sustain a new world order.

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is a resolution adopted by the U.N. General Assembly in 2015 that is focused on attaining 17 goals by 2030. The Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs in Education are intended to brainwash and train our children to transform into an obedient global citizen workforce.

The oligarchs pushing for this new world order are infusing billions of dollars into K-12 education in the U.S. and other countries in order to implement tSEL across all educational practices and policies, curriculum and instruction, extracurricular activities, discipline, student support services, professional learning, and the endless ongoing assessments and data collection tools. Every parent must be on heightened alert as these ravenous wolves are seeking to devour our children (1 Peter 5:8).

If there is one thing many parents learned during the socially isolating COVID-19 lockdowns, it’s that the local school systems have been hijacked and the well-being of our children is in imminent danger. For many of us, the veil of naïveté and deception began to lift soon after the pandemic started.

Questions swirled as we tried to understand the relevance of many tSEL topics and policies given how they were implemented seemingly everywhere. We had questions such as: “Why was history being altered and our forefathers being painted in an unusually dark light?” We knew we needed answers and a grassroots movement to uncover what exactly was being taught to our children in school began. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines ‘religion’ as “a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs and practices.” Is the fog beginning to lift?

This is a call, dear brothers and sisters. Jesus said in Revelation 3, “since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out.” We can no longer live the “live and let live, let’s all get along, I just want to live a peaceful life” mentality. We cannot simply look the other way. The Word commands it and our children’s future depends on it. We must be vigilant and tear down the sacrificial altars of Transformative Social and Emotional Learning being erected in schools across this nation or an entire generation of children will be lost to social and moral chaos.

Anne Miller is a watchman on the wall, intercessor, wife, mom and educator with a heart to set captives free.

Megan Rafalski lives with her family in Loudoun County where she enjoys spending a lot of time baseballing, gardening, cooking for friends and family as well as writing when the opportunity presents itself. She has a passion for making God’s goodness and glory magnified in all she pursues.


**Source: The new state religion in public school | Voice

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