The medical system is a hoax…

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The medical system is a hoax.

And “The invisible hand of this corrupt system is profiting from people being sick,” says former pharma insider Calley Means.

According to Means, 90% of doctors in the United States graduate without taking a nutrition class.

Yet, thousands of peer-reviewed studies show that a healthy diet and exercise can treat and prevent just about every chronic condition on the planet.

However, 80% of medical school training revolves around pharmacology.

“I want to say this very clearly,” emphasized Means.

“If you look at the causes of death in America, there are chronic conditions that are food-borne illnesses, heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease, respiratory illness, even Covid, which only killed metabolically unhealthy people. Right? If you were practicing good lifestyle habits, you had an almost 0% chance of dying of COVID. This is being obfuscated.”


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