The lying game: Joe Biden is the undisputed champion

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Newly elected New York Republican Rep. George Santos has admitted that he lied on the campaign trail about his education and work experience.

Santos’s professional biography was called into question earlier this month after The New York Times reported that he misrepresented a number of claims, including where he attended college and his alleged employment history with high-profile Wall Street firms. Santos confessed Monday that he had “never worked” for Goldman Sachs and Citigroup, chalking it up to a “poor choice of words,”

He also admitted that he never graduated from any college, despite previously claiming to have received a degree from Baruch in 2010. “I didn’t graduate from any institution of higher learning. I’m embarrassed and sorry for having embellished my resume,” he said. “I own up to that … We do stupid things in life.”

Santos was also accused of lying about his family history, saying on his campaign website that his mother was Jewish and his grandparents escaped the Nazis during World War II. Santos now says that he’s “clearly Catholic,” but claimed his grandmother told stories about being Jewish and later converting to Catholicism.

Conservative commentator Jack Posobiec noted in Telegram posts:

“If you think George Santos making up his backstory is bad, wait til you find out about Barack Obama.”

And … “Swalwell slept with a CCP spy and the Democrats didn’t even take away his committees. Really don’t give a shlit what they have to say about George Santos.”

Santos’s string of lies is nothing new for politicians, though. Maybe he just wanted to get a head start before officially becoming a resident of the Swamp.

“There have been countless politicians who have embellished, exaggerated, or flat-out lied about their past experiences,” Mark Hyman noted in a Dec. 27 analysis.

Here are a few examples:

• Connecticut Democrat Sen. Richard “Danang Dick” Blumenthal on many occasions during his more than 30 years as a politician had been recorded telling audiences that he remembered “when we came back” from Vietnam how badly “we” were treated. The truth is that Blumenthal served only during the last few years of the war in Vietnam, having gotten multiple deferments before 1970, and then served only here in the United States, never overseas.

• Then-Sen. Hillary Clinton lied about coming under a barrage of sniper fire during a visit to Bosnia in 1996. Clinton’s claim was found to be false. The Washington Post noted that “a review of more than 100 news stories from the time documented no security threats to the First Lady.” The claim was also refuted by actor Sinbad, who joined Clinton on her 1996 trip to Bosnia. Sinbad said there were no bullets being shot at them, and that the only scary part of the trip was deciding where they were going to eat.

• Then there’s Pocahontas. Massachusetts Democrat Sen. Elizabeth Warren had since the 1980s claimed to have Native American heritage. In 2019, she apologized to a largely Native American audience for “harm I have caused” after years of identifying herself as Native American, as well as for releasing a DNA test that she claimed supported her ancestry claims.

But Hyman noted that Santos, Blumenthal, Clinton, Warren, and the many other serial fibbers in D.C. have nothing on the most prolific liar of them all – Joe Biden.

Washington Times columnist Rowan Scarborough noted in a Facebook post:

“Democrats want NY Republican Rep. George Santos to resign for lying about his resume. Here is what President Biden has made up: He has created a false resume for voters for decades. He said he was arrested in the civil rights movement; drove an 18 wheeler; was raised in a black church; was raised by Puerto Ricans; was nominated to the Naval Academy; quit varsity football to marry his wife.

“None” are true, Scarborough noted.

Biden has “a long, sad history of passing off the words of others as his own. It started at least as early as his law school days,” Hyman wrote.

During his first year at Syracuse Law School, Biden was called before the law school’s disciplinary body to answer charges of plagiarism. After the board found him guilty, Biden “threw himself on the mercy of the board” and promised that he had learned his lesson, according to a school official. Biden’s mea culpa was enough to convince the board not to expel him from the school.

When he was running for the 1988 Democrat presidential nomination, Biden told party convention delegates on Feb. 1, 1987 that “each generation of Americans has been summoned” to test their devotion to democracy. This phrase was nearly identical to a phrase used by John Kennedy in his presidential inaugural address: “Each generation of Americans has been summoned to give testimony to its national loyalty.”

Biden also used entire passages quoted nearly verbatim from Kennedy’s younger brother, Robert.

From the…Biden speech to the California Democratic Party: “Few of us have the greatness to bend history itself. But each of us can act to affect a small portion of events and in the totality of these acts will be written the history of this generation.”

From a speech Robert Kennedy gave at Fordham University in June 1967: “Few will have the greatness to bend history itself. But each of us can work to change a small portion of events and in the total of all those acts will be written the history of this generation.”

“Biden’s tendency to use the work of others without attribution may reflect poorly on his character. But plagiarizing the life story of a British politician as his own raises serious questions about his overall judgment,” Hyman wrote.

During an August 23, 1987, appearance before the Iowa State Fair, Biden told the audience about a thought that had occurred to him while he was on his way to the fair. Biden said, “I was thinking to myself why was it that I was the first person, the first Biden in probably a thousand generations to go to university and to law school…Was it because our mothers and fathers were not as smart as we were?”

Biden’s description of his family’s struggles was nearly identical to one made by British Labour Party Leader Neil Kinnock just three months earlier, at the Welsh Labour Party Conference. Kinnock told party officials, “Why am I the first Kinnock in a thousand generations to be able to get to university?…Was it because our predecessors were so thick?”

Biden’s line, “Those same people who read poetry and wrote poetry and taught me how to sing verse,” was eerily similar to Kinnock’s, “Those people who could sing and play and recite and write poetry.” Biden’s address, “My ancestors, who worked in the coal mines of northeast Pennsylvania and would come up after twelve hours and play football,” was not much different from Kinnock’s, “Those people who could work eight hours underground and then come up and play football….” Except, as the New York Times’ Maureen Dowd observed, Biden’s relatives “seemed to stay underground longer.” And unlike Kinnock’s father, who was actually a coal miner, Biden’s dad was a used-car salesman.

“Biden’s campaign staff explained away the failure to credit Kinnock in the Iowa State Fair speech as merely an oversight. But Biden used nearly the same campaign lines on several other occasions, and each time he failed to credit Neil Kinnock,” Hyman noted.


Source: The lying game: Joe Biden is the undisputed champion | FreePressers |

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