The Impact of Fear and Anxiety on the Human Immune System: Part I

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We live in the age of anxiety. We who see, see clearly this is a pandemic of fear. One of the central emotional responses during a pandemic is fear. Fear comprises both an emotional and physical response to stress. Functional fear helps people develop coping strategies, and the ‘right’ amount of anxiety can help us perform better and stimulate action. However, the fear created during this pandemic is completely disproportionate and irrational (2). The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemonium is associated with highly significant levels of anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder and psychological distress (3). The ruling class say functional fear predicts our compliance in the COVID-19 pandemic (4). The more anxious we are, the more we comply. Eastern religion philosopher Alan Watts wrote, “If we look deeply into such ways of life as Buddhism, we do not find either philosophy or religion as these are understood in the West. We find something more nearly resembling psychotherapy” (3) . Psychotherapy, or talk therapy, helps eliminate or alleviate disturbing symptoms to enable one to encourage personal well-being and encourage healing. Our controllers know this hence they apply behavioural science techniques on us that discourage well-being and healing; the intention to increase compliance (5).

‘Project Fear’ is a 21 st century term used in British politics that entered British politics in the 2014 Scottish independence referendum and again during the 2016 United Kingdom (UK) Brexit referendum (6). Our elected representatives call it the “fear appeal”. Fear appeal is a means of persuasion that threatens us with a negative, physical, psychological, and/or social consequence that will likely happen if we behave a certain way or engage in certain behaviour (7). In the case of the COVID-19 pandemonium, policymakers are supposedly guided by ‘the science’, however the science is, in many cases, preliminary and very often conflicting. It is apparent our policymakers are being guided by a perceived public clamour for draconian measures to tackle the pandemic, or at the very least it makes them appear as if they’re doing something. What our policy makers may ‘perceive’ is often filtered by a media skewed toward hyping the fear factor.

Public health’s seven-step recipe for project fear

“As long as not everybody is vaccinated, nobody will be safe”. Klaus Schwab

The recipe is entitled the ‘Seven-Step Recipe for Generating Interest in, and Demand for, Flu (or any other) Vaccination’. The recipe aimed to foster public interest and high vaccine demand was discussed at the National Influenza Vaccine Summit 2004, sponsored by the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American Medical Association (AMA) and devised by Glen Nowak Acting Director of Media Relations, CDC. The recipe includes:

  • Statements of alarm in the media by medical experts and public health authorities.
  • Prediction of dire outcomes from influenza (or other infectious disease).
  • Continued reports by the media of influenza (or other infectious disease) causing severe illness affecting lots of people.
  • Repeated urging of influenza (or other infectious disease) vaccination.
  • Roll out the celebrity or past president to get the ‘vaccine’ on national media (8).

As an example, a lot of needless panic and fear was spread WORLDWIDE during the 2014-2016 Ebola outbreak in West Africa although only infectious upon direct contact (9). There as well, the World Health Organisation (WHO) and Global Health authorities immediately engaged with Big Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) to expedite clinical trials and deploy the vaccine in the field based on highly suspicious data (10). The Ebola vaccine has been massively stockpiled and Healthcare workers (HCWs) in West-Africa were coerced to take the vaccine. But sure enough, Ebola burned out spontaneously, not due to a safe and effective vaccine, however due to improved hygiene, disinfection and precautions taken to avoid direct contact with infected people, corpses and potential animal reservoirs.

Social engineering and newly documented COVID-19 psychoses

Social engineering is taking advantage of a potential victim’s natural…

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