The Great Reset is not about achieving their dystopia it’s about creating massive chaos which would put them in charge

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The Great Reset is a multi-prong attack.  “It was decades of trends that led to this. And our whole climate debate now is no longer in the democratic realm – at least they’re pushing it to keep it out of the democratic realm,” Mark Morano said.

In March 2020 our entire climate/energy debate changed. Probably forever. It accelerated a lot of trends. What happened in March 2020, essentially, was the bypassing of democracy for covid regulations.  And, as World Economic Forum’s Klaus Schwab, co-author of the book ‘Covid-19: The Great Reset’, threatened in June 2020: “The pandemic represents a rare but narrow opportunity to reflect, reimagine and reset our world.”

Marc Morano was one of the 50 top scientists and experts who gave a talk at The Heartland Institute’s 15th International Conference on Climate Change (“ICCC15”) held on 25 February 2023. You can find all ICCC15 presentations HERE.

Morano is the founder and publisher of CFACT’s Climate Depot and is the author of the 2021 book ‘Green Fraud: Why the Green New Deal Is Even Worse Than You Think’. “[In] my book,” Morano told the ICCC15 audience, “I go through the whole concept of The Great Reset / World Economic Forum.”

His talk, embedded at the end of this article, is based on articles published by corporate media and “their” documented evidence.  He used these reports to expose the true nature of The Great Reset. In short, The Great Reset isn’t a gradual shift to improve the lives of the masses. It’s a massive power grab by a select few who believe they should determine how society works on a global scale.

In the quote above, Schwab is referring to “transforming” every country to be subject to WEF’s “stakeholder capitalism.”  Under WEF’s stakeholder capitalism, a business isn’t evaluated on whether it’s profitable or whether you get a return on your money, Morano said. “It’s all about whether you [ ] meet woke principles of equity, diversity, inclusion, climate [and] environmental goals.”

Morano summarised six aspects of the “new normal” being imposed on the world as part of The Great Reset:

  1. Our free speech rights and currency are being collapsed by government and corporate collusion.
  2. Our current energy system is being intentionally collapsed through the net zero utopian vision.
  3. Our transportation is being intentionally collapsed and our freedom of movement is being stripped away.
  4. Our ability to own property – home and motor vehicles – is being intentionally collapsed.
  5. Our high-yield agriculture system is being intentionally collapsed to create man-made food shortages and chaos.
  6. Our ability to choose to eat meat is being banned to create demand for us to eat “lab-grown” fake meat and insects.

This is the intentional collapse of modern society, he said. “It’s not really about [them] achieving their utopian vision – whether it’s on energy or the ideal number of people – it’s about creating a massive amount of chaos which would then put them in charge of this chaos.”

“Once they create a food shortage – we’ve been warned by Al Gore and the United Nations and people like James Hansen – ‘Climate will cause great food disruption’. No. The climate policies will cause great food disruption. And so, once their policies cause this disruption, the intentional collapse, then they get even more power and do more of the same policies and that, make no mistake, is how they’re going to get us this chaos and shortages.”

Related: New Factory in the Netherlands Will Produce 3D Printed Fake Meat to Replace Real Meat Produced by Farmers

In 1932, Stuart Case published ‘A New Deal’.  His book concluded: “Why should Russians have all the fun remaking the world.”  His book was written at the time when The New York Times was praising Joseph Stalin for his land reforms and agricultural revolution.  So, what Chase means by having fun is “this vision of this ruling class elite being able to manage and plan and micromanage every aspect of your life – the administrative state – that’s fun for these guys,” Morano said.

Adding, “in every era of history, the ruling class has tried to invent ways in which to make the rest of us lose our freedom. And they want to make us happy that we’re losing our freedom. ‘It’s for our own good, we’re protecting you from whether it’s even terrorism or the climate or the environment or food shortages or is this chaos we’ll protect you.  You just have to give up your freedom’. And covid was the exact example of that.”

They didn’t achieve their goals as set out in Chase’s book in decades past. “But this has been their goal. So they wait, lie in waiting. They wait for that crisis,” Morano explained.

Using a series of corporate media articles and journals, Morano demonstrated how the “elites” have used the pandemic and climate change “crises” to further their goals. For example, they praised the one-party state system in China as a role model that should be emulated.  All this while enriching themselves.

Covid enabled the largest transfer of wealth ever, US$3.7 trillion, from low- and middle-class-income people to billionaires, Morano said. “The pandemic created a new billionaire every 30 hours” while workers faced extreme poverty.

Morano spent a little more time speaking about Bill Gates. Aside from China, Australia had probably the most authoritarian response to the pandemic.  Gates said that “if every country does what Australia did,” the world could prevent the next pandemic. Why do we care what Bill Gates thinks?

“Because this man [gives] tens of millions of dollars to the media, buys his own media and. most importantly. he is the number two donor to the World Health Organisation which is [now] seeking a Pandemic treaty.  Bill Gates, next to the United States government, owns the World Health Organisation,” Morano said.

Everything we’ve heard in the climate debate has already been used for covid.  For example, the demonisation of climate sceptics is the same as the demonisation of vaccine sceptics, the idea of a permanent climate crisis has already been done with the idea of a covid becoming a permanent pandemic and, of course, censorship.

Perhaps one of the most surreal copycats of the covid response is the suggestion to add climate as a cause of death on death certificates.  Australian National University Medical School’s Arnagretta Hunter said: “Climate change is a killer, but we don’t acknowledge it on death certificates. If a farmer dies at the end of a five-year drought, we know that the drought probably contributed to his death, but there is no way to record that.”

However, “climate cannot stand on its own anymore … I believe it’s going to be climate/covid merged,” Morano said and provided examples of reports which showed the merging of climate and covid ideologies, a few of which we’ve noted below.

In September 2020, Prof. Mariana Mazzucato of University College London, who coined the term “climate lockdowns,” said: “In the near future, the world may need to resort to lockdowns again – this time to tackle a climate emergency. Under a ‘climate lockdown’, governments would limit private vehicle use, ban consumption of red meat, and impose extreme energy-saving measures, while fossil-fuel companies would have to stop drilling. To avoid such a scenario, we must overhaul our economic structures and do capitalism differently. Many think of the climate crisis as distinct from the health and economic crises caused by the pandemic. But the three crises – and their solutions – are interconnected.”

Three months later, Director of Harvard Chan C-CHANGE Dr. Aaron Bernstein said: “We also need to take climate action to prevent the next pandemic … Climate change alters how we relate to other species on Earth and that matters to our health and our risk for infections … Many of the root causes of climate change also increase the risk of pandemics.”

In September 2021, more than 230 medical journals said climate change is the “greatest threat” to global public health and declared that the covid “response” could be a “template” for climate response.

Of course, none of what they claim is true.  Reality destroys their claims.  We are at the stage where conspiracy realities are outnumbering conspiracy theories.


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