The Great ‘Global Warming’ Hoax Refuses To Die

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Insistence not only that the Earth is getting warmer due to the actions of mankind, but that this will or even can result in catastrophic warming permeates Western governments, media, entertainment, corporations, and academia.

This is an increasingly expensive hoax.

The “follow the science” crowd, scientists dependent on government largess for grant funding and elites on trend-following for status, refuses to accept actual science, so the average voter, educated only by a biased media, continues to go along with it and insists all others do, as well.

The facts are, Earth has not warmed since 1997.

More CO2 is expelled each year, yet no warming has resulted. This is partly due to the fact that the ‘greenhouse gas’ theory is nonsense.

Detailed information on air temperature and CO2 levels disproves that a rise in CO2 will cause a rise in temperature.

The core samples from EPICA Dome C ice core on the Antarctic Plateau establish that temperature changes first and CO2 changes in response, some 800 years later.

If the Greenhouse theory were correct (it’s not), CO2 would drive temperature. In fact, the opposite is the case.

It may well be that CO2, the bogeyman of the Klimate Kult, the gas we are closing factories, starving and unemploying people, and shuttering economies to reduce, is the same gas responsible for the cooling of the past few decades.

A recent study by the Naval Research Laboratory showed “the biggest contraction in the thermosphere in at least 43 years.”

The National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, CO, announced that the thermosphere shrank by thirty percent because of a sharp drop in radiation from the sun. Whatever the media and future historians call the coming solar minimum, it may indeed be very cold.

It might be that terminating fertilizer production and natural gas in the name of fighting a man-made “global warming” that doesn’t exist, will ensure that farmers on an already-cooling Earth produce even less food, with even greater starvation.

NASA’s forecast for the next solar cycle (25) reveals it will be the weakest of the last 200 years. Perhaps this will not be as deep as the Maunder Minimum or the Dalton Minimum. Perhaps.

Earth’s oceans store most of the planet’s heat. They may be cooling. As the oceans cool, the air circulating above them, and drawing heat from them – which is how hurricanes are formed – will begin to cool. Next thing you know, is out of ice skates and hot chocolate.

How do we know the oceans are cooling? NASA sensors. “A map of heat change at depths of 500 meters (top) showed an unrealistically widespread and dramatic cooling of the entire Atlantic Ocean.

However, along with altering our global temperature data sets to meet the needs of the political establishment, NASA is altering the ocean temperature readings, as well:

“When the errors had been corrected, the global-scale cooling trend disappeared.”

Earth experiences a 100,000-year ice age cycle (an ice-covered Earth is far more “normal” than a temperate Earth), a 2,200 – 2,400-year climate cycle, a 200-year “Bicentennial Cycle,” a 40-year “Relational Cycle,” and an 11-year “Schwabe Cycle.” (Dark Winter, Casey, 2014).

Each of these alters the global climate. Each of these has immeasurably more impact on Earth’s climate than the internal combustion engine or electricity generation or your natural gas stove.

If we “follow the science,” it may well be that we need to begin moving toward technologies and behaviors that warm the Earth.

Or at least stop trying to cool it. No one stops an advancing glacier.


*Source: The Great ‘Global Warming’ Hoax Refuses To Die | Principia Scientific Intl.

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