The Fraudulent Dr Fauci – Part I: The AIDS Racket

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In this series of posts I’m going to attempt to do the impossible.

Tell me; how do you undo over 38 years of official fraud, over 200,000 scientific papers all based on a faulty premise, tens of thousands of hours of, well to be charitable, fake news? And how about over 500 billion, half a trillion dollars in research money that has so far failed to come up with a working vaccine and failed to come up with a cure? That’s the story of Tony Fauci and AIDS, hardly anyone knows it, and this is the guy who is leading the fight against C19.

There is a vast infrastructure; it involves scientists, it involves universities, it involves non-profits, government agencies, journalists, and they’re all working with one aim, and that is to sell whatever bullshit Tony Fauci and friends have to sell that day. Doesn’t matter whether it’s true or not, doesn’t matter whether it has a scientific basis or not, doesn’t matter whether it’s logical or not, they are going to sell it. So that’s what this series is about – undoing over 36 years of fraud.

Yes, you can find this information elsewhere, but it will take you dozens of hours to put it all together into one picture, and that’s what I’ve attempted to do for you here. So to the extent that you can; enjoy, and let’s work together to dismantle one of the biggest frauds in human history, one that’s bigger than most people can even imagine is possible.

Fauci’s Powerbase: AIDS

During the four decades since the United States government proclaimed, via then Health and Human Services Secretary Margaret Heckler, April 23,1984, that a single retrovirus was the “probable cause” of an amorphous health condition known as AIDS, hundreds of billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars have been doled out to thousands of HIV/AIDS grantees, “investigators” as they are known in the language of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Although Robert Gallo, standing next to Heckler at the press conference, had not yet published his alleged proof for his hypothesis, by April 24 The New York Times was calling Gallo’s HTLV-III “the AIDS virus,” and all research into other probable causes of AIDS came to an abrupt halt. Later that same day, Gallo filed a patent for what is now misleadingly known as “the AIDS test.”

The decision to spend billions of tax-payer’s money on a theory never properly vetted in an honest peer review process can be tracked to one un-elected medical science bureaucrat, America’s de facto AIDS czar; Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) since November 3, 1984, Fauci has never approved grants for…

Read full story [icon name=”arrow-right” prefix=”fas”] The Fraudulent Dr Fauci – Part I: The AIDS Racket – Carter Heavy Industries

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