The Flu Shot Fraud: How the CDC Deceives about the Science

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According to the CDC, it is in the best interest of everyone aged six months and up to get an annual flu shot. But does this recommendation serve the interests of public health or the financial interests of the pharmaceutical industry? In this series of articles, I investigate that question, demonstrating incontrovertibly that the official public messaging about influenza vaccines is deliberately deceptive, intended to manufacture consent for public policy rather than to provide people with the information they need to make an informed choice.

Should You Get the Flu Shot Every Year? Don’t Ask the New York Times

How the CDC Uses Fear and Deception to Sell More Flu Vaccines

How You’re Being Lied to about the Risks of Getting a Flu Vaccine Annually

The CDC’s Criminal Recommendation for a Flu Shot During Pregnancy


*Source: The Flu Shot Fraud: How the CDC Deceives about the Science

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