The Fight for the Soul of Seattle | A KOMO News Documentary

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“The Fight for the Soul of Seattle” examines the role of Seattle’s City Council in allowing the situation to reach what many experts consider epidemic levels under the guise of a compassionate approach to people who suffer from substance addiction and who commit crimes to feed their habit.

It documents the heartbreaking condition of people on the streets, and the crushing decisions Seattle entrepreneurs are forced to contemplate as their life savings and dreams are destroyed by theft, vandalism and a dwindling customer base.

This documentary also explores potential bold solutions to treat those living on the streets and pair them with agencies and assistance that can provide a clear path away from the endless circle of addiction and crime.

00:03:20 – Seattle eBike store, Brian Nordwell

00:07:20 – Mark Sidran, Former Seattle City Attorney

00:12:16 – Scott Lindsey, Former Public Safety for Mayor Ed Murray

00:14:35 – Ginny Burton

00:17:30 – Tom Wolf

00:20:50 – Seattle PD difficult job

00:29:00 – CHOP, Lorenzo Anderson

00:32:00 – East precinct taken back

00:33:21 – Court house protection

00:37:00 – Former Judge Ed Mckenna

00:49:07 – Seattle City Council, defund police

00:52:20 – Business fighting for survival

00:58:00 – Mental health issues, support

01:06:28 – Drug and homeless epidemic reform

01:13:30 – Travis Berge, repeat offenders

01:20:00 – Kevan Carter Jr.’s mental illness

01:26:40 – What can be done? What’s the plan?  

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