The False Narrative Over Police Treatment Between BLM/Antifa Rioters And Capitol Rioters

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OMGosh! This is so laughable, that these words came out of the same man whose party has literally watched as the so called peaceful protest of blm took place in all these democrat run cities and states over the past year!

And quite frankly we all know that the violence in yesterdays event at the capitol were plants from THEIR antifa people dressed as Trump supporters.

They never fail to let a useful event go without somehow exploiting it to their advantage.

Below is a very interesting take put together from a  true Patriot, Dana Loesch.

Article Source: The False Narrative Over Police Treatment Between BLM/Antifa Rioters And Capitol Rioters – Dana Loesch’s Chapter and Verse

Rioters at the Capitol yesterday weren’t granted safe spaces or autonomous zones.

Remember that time BLM murdered a retired black police captain named David Dorn? Neither does Joe Biden:

Remember when BLM rioters smashed a cop over the head with a brick and nothing happened?

Neither do any of these people:

They’ve apparently forgotten about all of this:

In fact, leftist rioters have been given safe spaces, autonomous zones — in many instances they’ve been protected:

Legacy media and most Democrats (including Kamala Harris) ignored the leftist violence of BLM and Antifa from the past year and now are trying hard to push the false narrative that somehow police were harder on BLM and Antifa rioters (separate from peaceful protests) than they were on the rioters who broke away from yesterday’s protest.

I didn’t see police shoot rioters who set fire to St. John’s Church. Nor did they shoot at Antifa rioters when they established a mini-hobo city that got at least one person killed, nor when they destroyed a federal courthouse

Reject this false narrative. There is a considerable difference between the capabilities of a too-small and unprepared police force and overwhelming police presence. This omission from the debate on the issue is reason enough why this argument should be disregarded.

There are two tiers of justice when there should be one. Media and Democrats did little to nothing to hold accountable violent leftist rioters thus have no credibility here to objectively remark this issue.

Tech bans Trump

I wonder why people question the judgment, fairness, and motivation of big tech?

Read the full story here: The False Narrative Over Police Treatment Between BLM/Antifa Rioters And Capitol Rioters – Dana Loesch’s Chapter and Verse

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