The facts & science surrounding the ‘injection’ debate with Dr Judy Wilyman & John O’Sullivan

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There are legitimate questions surrounding Covid19 vaccines that were approved in record time and for which manufacturers and those administering it are indemnified.

Of course the media has no questions, the medical profession has been silenced by regulators and the public remains ignorant of basic facts due to the might of official propaganda.

Dr Judy Wilyman is well place to talk about the facts and science surrounding the current vaccine debate. Dr Wilyman is Australia’s leading authority on the historical control of infectious diseases. Dr Judy Wilyman has spent many years investigating the correlation between the decline in children’s health and the increased use of vaccines.

Her PhD titled ‘A critical analysis of the Australian government’s rationale for its vaccination policy’ concluded that the government’s claims of safety and efficacy are not based on hard evidence.

Since completing her PhD, Dr Wilyman has experienced censorship in both the mainstream media and the official channels for public debate.

Our second guest is John O’Sullivan, CEO of Principia Scientific International, an organization dedicated to transparency and truth and the only publishing international science association shunning political advocacy and defending the traditional scientific method.

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