The COVID Killing Fields

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The effort to whip up another COVID crisis misses no beats as the usual scolds peddle mask mandates and lockdowns like shameless hucksters selling cure-all elixirs. They can’t say it straight out quite yet, but they want to return to a dark time in our history. Apparently there hasn’t been enough death to satisfy them.

In our own admittedly modest effort to stand against the tyranny, we have recently urged Americans to resist mask mandates and lockdowns through civil disobedience, if necessary. We have no plans to back down from our position.

Our opposition is in part galvanized by our deep dedication to liberty. Using the police power of the state to force people to wear masks; to shut down businesses, restrict movement and limit private gatherings; and to require vaccinations is a gross violation of our God-given freedom.

We are also guided by basic human compassion. The lockdowns were deadly, and their effects continue to kill. Another round of them would be unconscionable.

Last week we noted that the heavy-handed pandemic policy prescriptions – lockdowns – cost millions of lives that otherwise would not have been lost. We cited a National Bureau of Economic Research report that clearly indicated the increase in non-COVID deaths over the first year of the pandemic that were caused by policies and fear-mongering that stopped people from seeing doctors, rushing to emergency rooms, undergoing regular health screenings, seeking treatment for known ailments, moderating their alcohol consumption, and in general taking care of themselves.

But that’s just but one data dive that shows just how barbarous the lockdowns were. Earlier this week, Edward Ring, co-founder and senior fellow with the California Policy Center, provided further evidence, using federal data, that the lockdowns were deadly errors made by panicked, abusive and power-mad public officials.

The increase in total deaths — deaths from all causes, not just COVID deaths — is up significantly. If the period between October 2019 and June 2023 had adhered to predictable mortality rates, 10.5 million Americans would have died. Instead, during that period, 12.4 (million) people died. This prolonged period of so-called excess deaths, 17 percent above normal, is only rivaled by the estimated 675,000 deaths from Spanish Flu in America in 1918-19 when the country had a much smaller population.

“Non-COVID deaths are still way higher than normal. Why?” — American Greatness, Sept. 6, 2023

To blame the virus for all those deaths would be to engage in a lie. While the “horrific” COVID “surges appear to be behind us,” Ring says, there seems to be “no end in sight” of excess deaths.

“Going into the summer of 2023, weekly deaths from all causes remained persistently higher than normal,” Ring continues. “For example, during the last week of June, which is the most recent week for which there is reasonably complete reporting, 55,000 Americans died. Based on historical patterns, only 51,000 Americans would have died. Excess deaths in the U.S. are still about 7% above normal.”

Despite these facts, we have a media and a ruling class, which perform dirty tricks as a team, cheerleading, as subtly as they are able, to force masks on us and close the country again. Politicians are eager to exercise their authoritarian urges. Unelected public health officials are nostalgic for another quarantine. Some haven’t kicked their addiction to the hysteria that let them take more power than they should ever have. The loudest of the alarmists want a permanent lockdown mindset to infect everyone else, just as it has infected them. The leftist media are, with little exception, neurotics who can’t live without drama.

The negligence of the worst among us has killed millions. What’s worse, they are incapable of ever admitting their culpability, which means they have become inured to the tragedies they have caused.


Source: The COVID Killing Fields – Issues & Insights

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