The Corruption within the FDA – whole system of drug review is bogus!

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Constitutional Attorney Jonathan Emord discusses how corruption within the Food and Drug Administration results in unsafe pharmaceutical drugs becoming available to the public.

What concerns me is a significant minority… significant… minority of drugs that have been approved by the FDA have been approved over the FDA’s own medical reviewers’ objections on safety grounds. And the FDA’s whole system of drug review is bogus. It’s designed to protect and advance the interests of the drug industry. A lot of people don’t realize this but the FDA never tests the drugs it approves.

The FDA does no independent testing at all. It relies entirely on the testing done by the advocate, the proponent of the drug application that has a self-interest and a conflict of interest. That party is looked to for all of the drug testing. They do their own testing.

There have been multiple instances of corruption in this process where false information or negative information has been kept away from the FDA so that the FDA will approve the drug. In fact…


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