The CIA & COVID: The Ultimate Betrayal of America

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On September 12, 2022, I sent a letter to Ron Johnson as well as many others. This was before the 2022 elections, before the midterms, folks. Now let me share sections of this letter with you,

“Donald Trump, Senator Ron Johnson, Senator Rand Paul, Rep. Jim Jordan, and others were right. As early as late April or early May of 2020, former President Trump spoke of the creation of SARS-COV2 in a lab in Wuhan, China. Since that time both the investigation and the cover-up have continued but the evidence provided herein clearly demonstrates that SARS-COV2 was indeed created in a lab in Wuhan China by EcoHealth Alliance and with funding from Anthony Fauci’s NIH/NIAID.

Evidence included herein demonstrates the following key points (amongst others):

    1. SARS-COV2 was created in the lab in Wuhan, China;
    2. Anthony Fauci funded the creation of SARS-COV2 and lied to Congress about funding Gain-of-Function work;
    3. The US Intelligence Community was aware of and appeared to have been involved with the funding of said Gain-of-Function work;
    4. A number of well-connected public and private partners were involved in the Gain-of-Function work that resulted in the creation and release of SARS-COV2;
    5. Anthony Fauci and others coordinated to cover up the funding of the Gain-of-Function work that resulted in SARS-COV2.”

Remember, this was a year and a few days ago and sent to elected officials.

I’m sure you’ve heard them reference this, right? Oh, you haven’t? Missouri v. Biden, anybody?

This proves, once again, that Renz was right. You can look at those rulings. The filings and facts are indisputable. They were very clear. Further, you can look at the Senate findings and find everything else.

Basically, everything I showed in this document was correct. This document is fairly lengthy, and it includes everything you need to know about who created COVID-19, why it was created, and how it was created. We provided hundreds of citations to everything. Dr. Andrew Huff and Attorney Pam Popper helped me prepare this document. We laid out the whole thing.

Yet to this day, our Congressional buffoons have not acted on this. Perhaps I need to send this again and ask if they now care to look at it since they didn’t believe me on September 13th, 2022.

Let’s fast forward to today, “Testimony From CIA Whistleblower Alleges New Information on COVID-19 Origins.” This was published on September 12, 2023, in the press release published by Congress:

“Staff on the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic and Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence have heard testimony from a whistleblower alleging that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) offered six analysts significant monetary incentives to change their position on COVID-19’s origin.”

“Testimony From CIA Whistleblower Alleges New Information on COVID-19 Origins.” Published September 12, 2023

Geeze, folks, it’s almost like the CIA might have been involved in this! Ya think? I wonder who would have thought that?

Oh, and by the way, did I mention I have a BILLION dollar lawsuit in New York on this? Don’t expect that to be done. They are going to move that as slowly as possible.

SARS-CoV-2 was created by EcoHealth Alliance in the Wuhan Lab in China. It was created with funding from the CIA and DOD with their knowledge and with their approval. This technology was not transferred to communist China in a bubble.

Everybody knew what was going on. These guys knew this, and they covered it up.

It’s interesting that these guys don’t mention that we’ve been telling them this for a year. They don’t mention Andrew Huff or Pam Popper. They don’t mention any of the people who have been screaming this from the rooftops. They don’t mention my lawsuit. They didn’t want this coming out.

I posted this on Twitter today:

BREAKING – CIA IS INVOLVED WITH COVID COVERUP – That’s right folks – remember when I said (for the last year plus) that the CIA was involved in the funding and creation of #COVID19? Remember when @AGHuff & I told you that EcoHealth Alliance did the work but the CIA & DOD made it…

— Tom Renz (@RenzTom) September 13, 2023

“BREAKING – CIA IS INVOLVED WITH COVID COVERUP – That’s right folks – remember when I said (for the last year plus) that the CIA was involved in the funding and creation of #COVID19? Remember when @AGHuff & I told you that EcoHealth Alliance did the work but the CIA & DOD made it possible to create the Covid pandemic? Remember how I told you all that this #conspiracytheory was actually just a fact & I had the evidence? This report is only the tip of the iceberg – mark my words and I have not been wrong yet. The “deep state” has declared war on the people of America and the world. They have censored us to make sure we could not share the truth but #WeThePeople just keep coming and will never stop.

Congratulations to @bradwenstrup for finally asking some real questions & thank you for the elected officials willing to actually start showing some courage. The next thing you need to recognize is that the CIA didn’t just help cover this up – the also created the disease and are still working on Gain of Function to create more. Then you will need to start looking at the WEF and public private partnerships the CIA has used to facilitate all this. Hey @GOP – I can fill you in on the details if you’d like me to testify or you can wait until my next report and I can send it to you again so you can pretend you did this without me 6 months later.

You can doubt me but show me where I’ve been wrong so far and ask yourself whether you want to trust the guy that has been attacked and censored relentlessly for telling the truth – or the crooks and liars that have made billions off of lying and killing people. Nuremberg 2.0 time yet?”

We gave them the information, and I’ve offered to testify in front of Congress. The reason they have not let me come testify is that I’m going to talk about the DOD and CIA involvement and the fact that OUR government funded and created SARS-CoV-2 in a lab, and at the same time, they created the bioweapon that is the vaccine.

Yes, evidence suggests that the vaccine was created at the same time in the mid twenty-teens. I have a super secret piece of evidence that I’m about to blow up, so hey, DOD, DIA, and CIA, pay attention. I have something really special I’m about to release for you.

The corruption is so deep in Washington, DC, that even though this is indisputable, it took them a year AFTER I gave them the report that laid it all out before they had the cojones to do ANYTHING. These people are cowards. If you aren’t going to stand up to the deep state, quit acting like you are a republican.


Source: The CIA & COVID: The Ultimate Betrayal of America – America Out Loud News

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