The “AI New World Order” looks to be forming right before our eyes

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(OPINION) Unless you’ve been living under a rock somewhere, you have probably noticed that Artificial Intelligence is quickly taking over every aspect of the World at a record pace.

AI technology is continuing to grow at an exponential rate, and it can already perform thousands of tasks better than humans can.  As this technology continues to evolve and become even more sophisticated, millions upon millions of jobs will be lost, and that will create a giant underclass of people that are simply not needed by society.

On the other hand, there will inevitably be vast numbers of people that will eagerly embrace the revolutionary changes that artificial intelligence brings to our world.

We are even being warned that AI could result in the rise of “new religions”, in the near future along with a new Bible, and flesh and blood preachers, pastors, and teachers of the Word will become obsolete.

We recently caught a glimpse of what this will look like at St. Paul’s church in the Bavarian town of Fuerth, where the ChatGPT chatbot, personified by an avatar of a bearded Black man on a huge screen above the altar, delivered a sermon to more than 300 people who had shown up on Friday morning for an experimental Lutheran church service almost entirely generated by AI.

“Dear friends, it is an honor for me to stand here and preach to you as the first artificial intelligence at this year’s convention of Protestants in Germany,” the avatar said with an expressionless face and monotonous voice.

The 40-minute service — including the sermon, prayers and music — was created by ChatGPT and Jonas Simmerlein, a theologian and philosopher from the University of Vienna.

“I conceived this service — but actually I rather accompanied it, because I would say about 98% comes from the machine,” the 29-year-old scholar told The Associated Press.

Sadly, this is just the beginning as many of the elites are already predicting that entirely new religions will soon be created by artificial intelligence. In fact, the WEF’s Yuval Noah Harari seems to think that we are already “on the verge” of seeing that happen…

The world is on the verge of a new religion created by artificial intelligence, the historian Yuval Noah Harari has claimed. The academic – known for his bestselling book Sapiens – said software such as ChatGPT could attract worshippers by writing its own sacred texts.

Speaking at a science conference, he said AI had crossed a new frontier by ‘gaining mastery’ of our language and was now capable of using it to shape human culture.

Harari continued ‘Contrary to what some conspiracy theories assume, you don’t really need to implant chips in people’s brains in order to control them or to manipulate them.

‘For thousands of years, prophets and poets and politicians have used language and storytelling in order to manipulate and to control people and to reshape society.

‘Now AI is likely to be able to do it. And once it can… it doesn’t need to send killer robots to shoot us. It can get humans to pull the trigger.’

Calling for tighter regulation, he said: ‘We need to act quickly before AI gets out of our control. Drug companies cannot sell people new medicines without first subjecting these products to rigorous safety checks.’

He added: ‘Similarly, governments must immediately ban the release into the public domain of any more revolutionary AI tools before they are made safe.’

This top official with the World Economic Forum (WEF) was even seen on video calling for religious scripture to be “rewritten” by artificial intelligence (AI) to create a globalized “new Bible.” Harari claims that using AI to replace scriptures will create unified “religions that are actually correct.”

According to Harari, the power of AI can be harnessed and used to reshape spirituality into the WEF’s globalist vision of “equity” and inclusivism.

“It’s the first technology ever that can create new ideas. “You know, the printing press, radio, television, they broadcast, they spread the ideas created by the human brain, by the human mind.

“They cannot create a new idea. “You know, [Johannes] Gutenberg printed the Bible in the middle of the 15th century; the printing press printed as many copies of the Bible as Gutenberg instructed it, but it did not create a single new page.

“It had no ideas of its own about the Bible: Is it good? Is it bad? How to interpret this? How to interpret that?” Harari then revealed that he and his allies at the WEF have a solution to the supposed problems he’d just highlighted.

“AI can create new ideas; [it] can even write a new Bible,” he declared. “Throughout history, religions dreamt about having a book written by a superhuman intelligence, by a non-human entity,” he added.

So we have preachers being replaced, a new AI religion in the making and now an AI Bible could soon be created to accommodate what looks like a New World Order governed by AI. This only leaves one last missing piece of the puzzle and that is an AI “god” that will be worshipped.

Oh, wait! That looks to be in the making as well. In fact, Elon Musk revealed in an interview some time back with Tucker Carlson that Google co-founder Larry Page once told him he hoped to build an AI super-intelligence that Musk described as a “digital god.”

“I would talk to him late into the night about AI safety, and at least my perception was that Larry was not taking AI safety seriously enough,” Musk said, adding that Page wanted a “digital super-intelligence, basically a digital god, if you will, as soon as possible.”

A serial artificial intelligence investor also raised alarm bells about the pursuit of increasingly-smart machines, which he believes may soon advance to the degree of divinity according to a report from Futurism.

Check out this article by Decrypt, where they claim that Humanity is seeking guidance in these dark times by talking to AI-powered versions of the world’s largest religious figures. “Lots of people, it turns out, are creating AI bots in the image of their favorite gods. You’ve got your AI Jesus, your AI Buddha, a dozen Hindu deities, and even a Robo Rabbi.

And why not? If we can create erotic and evil bots, why not create a divine one”? This article goes on to inform us that creators have already created sites with dozens of “ai gods” ready to be worshipped.

Once again, this only affirms the fact that humanity is quickly moving toward the fulfillment of what I believe will be the final beast empire mentioned in the Book of Revelation where this very technology will be implemented and used by both the false prophet and the antichrist in the last days.

There will be a future “image of the beast” created to be worshiped by civilization and it looks as though everything is now in place to bring this forth to the next generation.


Source: The “AI New World Order” looks to be forming right before our eyes

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