Texas Has Fewer COVID Cases Than Michigan Despite 20M More People

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In Texas, COVID cases continue to fall. Meanwhile, many other states are fighting a resurgence of the virus despite state attempts to tame it.

On March 2, former US Senator Al Franken mocked Texas for lifting all its remaining COVID-19 restrictions. “Gee, we here in Texas haven’t screwed up royally in a whole two weeks!” Franken tweeted. “I know! Let’s lift the mask mandate!

Despite what Franken and many other critics predicted, Texas didn’t see an explosion in COVID cases. Instead, the Lone Star state saw cases reach a record low. Indeed, in the month since Franken mocked the announcement, daily cases in Texas fell from 6,834 to 2,078. That’s a 70 percent drop.

Meanwhile, Franken’s home state of Minnesota has experienced the opposite trajectory.

Cases Are Surging in Minnesota, Michigan

Like Senator Franken, I have a Minnesota connection. I live here, and have for more than a decade. It’s a beautiful state with wonderful people. But unlike many parts of the country, the Gopher State is far from open.

Governor Tim Walz’s “Stay Safe Plan” remains in force. The order limits indoor social gatherings to 15 people (outdoor gatherings to 50). Social distancing “must be maintained” when people from different households gather. Many businesses, such as restaurants, operate under capacity limits (both indoors and outdoors). Masks are required virtually everywhere indoors.

Despite these restrictions, Minnesota is seeing a surge in coronavirus cases. On March 2, the day Texas announced it was lifting all pandemic restrictions, Minnesota’s daily case count was at 425. A month later, on April 2, that number had swelled to more than 2,500.

Lockdown Fallacies


Continued here: Article Source: Texas Has Fewer COVID Cases Than Michigan Despite 20M More People | Principia Scientific Intl.


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