TEN things that will happen when the USA launches a GROUND WAR against Russia

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0:00 Intro

3:51 Depopulation

7:23 Child Sex Trafficking

10:03 WWIII

48:11 Interview with Paul Hutchinson

– Kamala Harris openly calls for “population reduction” in scripted speech

– Says that depopulation is necessary for “clean air” and “clean water”

– Sound of Freedom film hits $83 million in revenue (and growing)

– Biden and the West are calling up military reserves to prepare for GROUND WAR with #Russia

– Some US Army units are receiving official notices to prepare to deploy

– Biden needs World War III to cancel the 2024 election and declare a military dictatorship

– Prepare for government to seize production, factories, food, refineries and more

– World war will result in criminalizing all speech that opposes the Biden regime

– Food #rationing will begin, and the government will determine what you are allowed to buy

– Banks will freeze accounts or sharply limit withdrawals

– Smart people are preparing now, in advance of the world war PANIC to buy supplies

– Full interview with Sound of Freedom executive producer Paul Hutchinson


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