Teenagers need HEART or LUNG TRANSPLANT after Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccination…

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…five horror stories of healthy teenagers before mRNA vaccines destroyed their lives


A 17 year old boy Lonnie Pesterfield from Colorado had a COVID-19 vaccine in February 2022. In October 2022, he had a routine surgery to remove two impacted wisdom teeth. Within weeks he was taken to ER, and declared septic while coughing up blood. (click here)

He went into septic shock, and was placed on a ventilator. He was then diagnosed with a rare ANCA+ Vasculitis and is now in need of a lung transplant. The vasculitis caused severe damage to his lungs, destroyed his spleen, and caused mild to moderate damage to his kidneys and liver. (click here)

“It is one in a million that someone his age would have this autoimmune disease.”

His lung function has dropped to 13%.

Dr.Peter McCullough recently wrote a substack on ANCA+ Vasculitis and renal failure after COVID-19 mRNA vaccination (click here)

I recently reported on high school kids who are having heart attacks during sports and I wrote about 18 year old Ohio High school athlete Ebonie Sherwood who had a heart attack during track practice on March 7, 2023 (click here).

I have just learned that she has now received a heart transplant, only two weeks after collapsing at track practice, because her heart was “not healing on its own”. (click here)

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Markus Martinez, former Columbine High School football star, now a senior at Bear Creek High School, suffered a major heart attack November 17, 2022 and needs a heart transplant.

Shelly Segura, Markus’ mother, said his heart is only functioning at 12% to 15%, which means he needs a new heart as soon as possible. (click here)

“His heart is just unfortunately too sick right now,” Segura said.

Simone Scott, a 19 year old journalism student, received her first dose of Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccine on April 3, 2021, and her second dose on May 1, 2021. She started feeling ill almost right away and two weeks later was unable to walk. (click here)

Doctors told her mother that Simone suffered heart failure due to myocarditis and needed immediate surgery. Simone was placed on an extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) machine the next day. It essentially acts as a heart outside the body, pumping and oxygenating blood so the real heart can rest. Simone was transferred to Northwestern Memorial Hospital and had a heart transplant on May 23, 2021 (3 weeks after her 2nd Moderna dose).

Doctors said the new heart worked well. But Simone’s lungs endured a lot of damage from both the medications and breathing machines and she died on June 11, 2021.

54 year old Alex van Kooten was healthy and active. After taking a Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA booster, he is suffering from a case of myocarditis so severe, he now needs a heart transplant. (click here)

Before heart failure changed his life forever, Alex van Kooten was an otherwise extremely healthy and fit 52-year-old who frequently enjoyed sports and leisure activities, such as skiing, bicycle racing, and kite surfing.

“we moved to Aruba to enjoy the weather, and then COVID hit, and needless to say that we were kind of stuck…after two years of not seeing the children, the only option we had to see the children was to get vaccinated in order to get back into Canada

He got his 1st Pfizer dose in March 2021 and only had a sore arm. He got his 2nd dose in May 2021 and started developing heart palpitations and shortness of breath. Doctors told him what he was experiencing was psychological and stress related.

In March 2022, he took a booster shot. “days after taking the booster shot he became unable to lie down “without gasping for air and was barely able to walk 20 feet.”

He ended up in the ICU and now needs a heart transplant.

A 48 year old female patient had a heart transplant for acute fulminant myocarditis following vaccination with AstraZeneca and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines. Organ autopsy revealed giant cell myocarditis, possibly related to the vaccines. (click here)

She had AstraZeneca vaccine first, then 77 days later she had Pfizer vaccine and four days later developed symptoms which led to very rapid heart failure requiring a heart transplant.

Any doctor who claimed that post Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccine myocarditis was rare and mild, should be stripped of their medical license and never allowed to practice medicine again.

According to NIH – National Library of Medicine, mortality rate of myocarditis is up to 20% at 1 year and 50% at 5 years. (click here)

According to the Myocarditis Foundation, myocarditis accounts for up to 45% of heart transplants in the US today.


**Source: Teenagers need HEART or LUNG TRANSPLANT after Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccination – five horror stories of healthy teenagers before mRNA vaccines destroyed their lives

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