Sweden Says PCR Tests “Cannot Be Used To Determine Whether Someone Is Contagious”

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In Brief

  • The Facts:In November, Facebook censored an article written by an Oxford Professor of evidence based medicine, explaining that the scientific evidence for the efficacy of mask wearing to stop the spread of COVID is very weak.
  • Reflect On:Why is scientific evidence, discussion and debate being censored and discouraged? Why has so much information during this pandemic been censored to the point where mainstream media viewers don’t even know about it?


When the then Executive Editor of the British Medical Journal, Dr Kamran Abbas published an article last November explaining that “science is being suppressed for political and financial gain” and that the pandemic has revealed how the “medical-political complex can be manipulated”, he was right. During this pandemic the censorship of doctors, scientists, journalists and their opinions and research has been unprecedented.

Multiple governments along with their Big Tech ‘partners’ have been deleting social media accounts and censoring any information and evidence that seems to contradict their own ‘point of view’ and is often labelling it as  “fake news”, regardless of how credible or evidence based it might be. It’s been a big problem in our modern society, and perhaps something that most mainstream media and television watchers are completely unaware of as the nuance can’t be understood from those platforms.

We’re seeing how much power government and a Big Tech corporations have over the thoughts and perception of the masses.

I recently published an article diving deep into why Twitter censored Dr. Martin Kulldorff, an eminent infectious disease professor and vaccine expert at Harvard University, after he shared his opinion on vaccines. Now, Dr. Carl Heneghan can be added to that list. Dr. Heneghan is a professor of evidence based medicine and director of their Centre for Evidence-Based medicine. He’s also a practicing GP, so he has a unique perspective of the pandemic from both sides of the coin, academics and a first hand look inside hospitals.

He, among hundreds of experts in his field, have been quite critical of lockdown measures, mask mandates, and the idea that everybody needs to be vaccinated before we go back to normal. His perspectives have been clear since the very beginning of the pandemic.

Despite what many people may think, lockdowns have caused a tremendous amount of damage already, and may have killed more people than…

Read full story here: Source: Sweden Says PCR Tests “Cannot Be Used To Determine Whether Someone Is Contagious” – Collective Evolution

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