‘Surveillance over every citizen on Earth’: Devious group looks to rule entire world

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The World Health Organization has set its sights on establishing “a platform for global governance through health care.”

So warns former GOP presidential candidate and U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann, who was in attendance at the ten-day annual assembly in Geneva of the World Health Assembly, considered the “decision-making body of the WHO.” Bachmann, according to a report in the Washington Stand, says the international body is poised to expand the influence of WHO’s mandate over health-care decisions worldwide.

To that end, it has proposed a worldwide convention in which it would assume the authority to make major decisions about health care, or health threats, and then demand that all nations submit to its decisions and rulings.

That would mean the international group – with close ties to communist China – could order lockdowns, boycotts, medical treatment such as vaccinations, and much, much more.

And the world would be required to obey.

Critics of the agenda accuse President Joe Biden of working to enable the international group to “centralize authority not just for pandemics, {but} for any health emergency in the hands of the director-general.”

This is developing as WHO’s deference to China at the outset of COVID-19 arguably made the pandemic catastrophically worse for the world.

Are the dark powers that be trying to rule the world through health care?

Bachmann’s concern is that the assembly is ready to expand WHO’s authority worldwide.

“There’s a dual track process that they’re following,” she explained. “One is through a global pandemic treaty that they’re calling an ‘accord.’ The second is through a package of about 300 amendments to the international health rules.

“Both lead to the same result. Both lead to the creation of a platform for global governance through health care. And it is a web that locks us in … the likes of which we’ve never seen before.”

She pointedly noted that there were no members of Congress attending the assembly’s juggernaut.

“I was actually shocked because this has been a big issue that a lot of their constituents have rightfully been very concerned about. … There was no American press here. So how would anyone even know what was going on unless they tuned in and they watched for themselves?” she told the Stand.

She explained that during COVID, WHO “bungled almost everything, whether it was masks or vaccines or lockdowns.

“Yet they act like nothing happened. There was no review. They acted like everything was just normal.”

Which raises her concern for WHO’s new plans.

“They’re planning to meet in New York City in September. They’ll go over the progress that they’re going to make in January. They’ll give a final completed package of the 300 amendments, together with a global pandemic treaty, to the World Health Organization and the U.N. And then they’ll meet again in Geneva next February. But one year from this week, they will take the vote. And so they intend to vote for a platform for global government and to give themselves the power that no one has ever seen before.”

She warned that Biden’s health secretary, the extreme left Xavier Becerra, told her he wants more “surveillance” of Americans and their health.

“And then they want to share that data with everyone else in the world. This is highly invasive. They were very clear today. They want very bold language. They intend to have surveillance over every citizen on Earth, and they intend to … control us through health care.”

Notably, President Trump had informed WHO that the U.S. was pulling out of the group, but Biden reversed that decision immediately on taking office.


Source: ‘Surveillance over every citizen on Earth’: Devious group looks to rule entire world

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