Study: Most of Vaccinated Die Because of Vax-induced Autoimmune Attacks on Their Own Organs

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A recently published study suggests that nearly every COVID vaccine recipient who died within seven days to six months after inoculation likely died because of vaccine-induced autoimmune damage.

A paper entitled “On COVID vaccines: why they cannot work, and irrefutable evidence of their causative role in deaths after vaccination” was published by Sucharit Bhakdi, M.D. and Arne Burkhardt, M.D., both Germany-based and widely published scientists in their fields. The findings were presented during an interdisciplinary symposium on COVID shots’ safety and efficacy on December 10, and if they received the attention and regard they deserve from health authorities, the vaccination campaign would be arguably stopped today.

As shown in the study, 14 of the 15 vaccinated patients who died had autoimmune damage in different organs, i.e., the patients’ immune systems were attacking their own organs.

The doctors noted that prior to death, only four of the 15 patients had been treated in the ICU for more than two days, while most of the patients were never hospitalized and either died at home, on the street, at work, in the car, or in home-care facilities. That fact implies that therapeutic intervention was “unlikely to have significantly influenced the post-mortem findings,” per the paper.

Coroners did not link the deaths to COVID vaccinations, and in most cases, “[ar]rhythmogenic heart failure” was postulated as the cause of death.

Why would one’s immune system go wild and attack something it is designed to protect?

The deadly immune response happens primarily because the immune system sees the cells that are producing the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein as a threat and tries to destroy them, argue the scientists:

The vaccines cause cells deep inside our body to express the viral spike protein, which they were never meant to do by nature. Any cell which expresses this foreign antigen will come under attack by the immune system, which will involve both IgG antibodies [the most abundant type of antibody found in all body fluids] and cytotoxic T-lymphocytes [which protect the body against cancerous cells and cells that have become infected by pathogens]. That may occur in any organ.

The autopsies of the deceased aged 28-95 showed that in 14 out of 15 cases the heart was attacked. Such self-damage was also seen in the lungs (13 cases), the liver (two cases), the thyroid gland (Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, two cases), the salivary glands (Sjögren’s Syndrome, two cases) and the brain (two cases).

At the same time, there were common pathologies in “all affected tissues of all cases,” including inflammation and death of small blood vessels due to the abundance of killer T-lymphocytes in both vessels and the tissues surrounding them.

The evidence of the “immunological self-attack is without precedent,” wrote the doctors, continuing, “Because vaccination was the single common denominator between all cases, there can be no doubt that it was the trigger of self-destruction in these deceased individuals.”

The likelihood of people suffering such adverse effects will only increase with the number of additional…

Read full story [icon name=”arrow-right” prefix=”fas”] Study: Most of Vaccinated Die Because of Vax-induced Autoimmune Attacks on Their Own Organs – The New American

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