Stock Market Expert Edward Dowd – Minion Billionaires Nervous, Bailing-Out of the Globalist Agenda

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Top financial analyst, Edward Dowd joins Alex Jones to say that he sees billionaires bailing-out of the Globalist agenda, after they saw the complete lawlessness of the Trump convictions in New York and realizing that they could be next.

“Nothing motivates a billionaire more than worrying about the fact that their money might be taken from them,” Dowd says, “And that was a real thing that occurred when Trump got convicted, because it was a Kangaroo Court. It was no Due Process.”

Dowd says he’s evenly divided, as to whether the Federal Reserve is incompetent or if it’s trying to help Trump with their precipitous interest rate hikes that led to the stock market panic on Monday.

The Fed’s interest rate hikes had been causing the Japanese yen to devalue against the US dollar, so the The Bank of Japan raised their interest rates 25 basis points for the first time in 10 years, which caused the unwinding of the yen carry trade, setting off a margin call and ripple effects throughout the world’s financial markets.

This is not the Big One – yet. It was a pullback of 8%, which Dowd says could keep pulling back to 20% by October, which would favor Trump’s election.

Dowd disagrees with assertions that Warren Buffet purposefully triggered this event by selling 55% of his Apple shares. Buffett put that money into T-bills – which Dowd prefaces by saying he is not giving market advice – but that they are, “The safest asset on the planet. They they’re yielding 5.5%. And basically, Warren Buffett’s not waiting for an 8% pullback, which is what we just got. Warren Buffett’s waiting for a 50% to 70% dry-down in all markets for him to go back in…he’s getting rid of some of his more favored stocks, like Apple and just reducing exposure and he’ll buy them back at lower prices.”

Dowd says that the financial institutions and minions that ran with – and bought into – the COVID propaganda, thinking that they would come out on top in the tyrannical aftermath are now nervous, because, “The COVID mandates, the COVID vaccine program, that whole Control Grid System wasn’t able to be implemented, ” all of which is good news.

“I said years ago, ‘If you’re a billionaire and you didn’t get the memo not to take the vaccine, you’re not in The Club’…I’ve heard, word-of-mouth, some people you would be shocked, didn’t get the memo,” he says.


Source: Stock Market Expert Edward Dowd – Minion Billionaires Nervous, Bailing-Out of the Globalist Agenda

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