Statement On Virus Isolation (SOVI)

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Since August 2020* Principia Scientific International has been among the forefront of organisations questioning the official narrative of whether the SARS-CoV-2 virus, allegedly the cause of the COVID19 pandemic, can be proven to exist in empirical science.

We see that no lab has successfully isolated the ‘virus’ to establish a gold standard. The following is an important Statement On Virus Isolation (SOVI) by Dr Andrew Kaufman MD et al. that addresses these concerns in depth.

The controversy over whether the SARS-CoV-2 virus has ever been isolated or purified continues. However, using the above definition, common sense, the laws of logic and the dictates of science, any unbiased person must come to the conclusion that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has never been isolated or purified. As a result, no confirmation of the virus’ existence can be found. The logical, common sense, and scientific consequences of this fact are:

  • the structure and composition of something not shown to exist can’t be known, including the presence, structure, and function of any hypothetical spike or other proteins;
  • the genetic sequence of something that has never been found can’t be known;
  • “variants” of something that hasn’t been shown to exist can’t be known;
  • it’s impossible to demonstrate that SARS-CoV-2 causes a disease called Covid-19.

In as concise terms as possible, here’s the proper way to isolate, characterize and demonstrate a new virus…

 Read full article here: Source: Statement On Virus Isolation (SOVI) | Principia Scientific Intl.


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