Spontaneous Abortions Skyrocket: Genocidal Demons Focus On Global Depopulation

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Alanah Newman, mother of three, co-founder of the Health Freedom Summit, and a fierce fighter against the oppressive and unjust mandates, joined the Stew Peters Show on Friday to discuss the rising infertility rate, the mRNA shot, and her focus to break through the mass formation that plagues our society.

Newman shared how at the Health Freedom Summit they’ve had “Dr. Malone talk about infertility and how the mRNA shots are causing irregular bleeding for women.”
“Women who were menopausal are now getting their cycles back, women who are young and fertile are not getting their cycle, or are they’re bleeding for weeks and weeks which we know is not okay,” Newman continued.

Newman said that the Health Freedom Summit is dedicated to exploring these side effects of the clot shots, exposing the dangers of the injections while providing information on informed consent, mask manipulation, and vaccine injury recovery.

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Carbon is life
Carbon is life
2 years ago

The whole thing is sick and depraved. We all know the elites are evil but why are the minions going along with this? Why are random doctors, nurses, media script readers and low level politicians accepting this? The only explanation is that most of the human race is just plain evil and those of us who aren’t need to band together to fight this. Whether you are black, white, Asian, muslim whatever….you need to put your personal differences aside and get on the same page or humanity is DONE.

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