South Dakota Democrat says wanting kids to have a mom and dad is ‘dangerous and un-American’

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PIERRE, South Dakota — A Democrat lawmaker in South Dakota is under fire for declaring it “dangerous” and “un-American” to believe that children should have both a mother and a father.

On Monday, State Rep. Erin Healy tweeted, “Extremist group Family Heritage Alliance said this morning that the safest place for kids are in families that have a married mom and dad. What a dangerous and un-American belief,” apparently in reaction to comments against an unsuccessful bill to remove sex-specific language from South Dakota’s legal definition of marriage.

Family Heritage Alliance, a group dedicated to pro-life, pro-faith, and pro-family policies in the Mount Rushmore State, responded in a statement to Fox News that Healy “has completely disregarded what we know to be true about children and families. Growing up in the home of a married biological mother and father is the single largest predictor of success later in life. It’s highly ironic that she describes a well-known fact about child safety as dangerous and un-American.”

A substantial amount of social science literature supports the conviction that children are best served by homes with both a mother and a father, as each sex tends to bring unique strengths and emphases to parenting, which complement one another; and gives children a positive role model of their own sex as well as helping them understand and relate to the opposite sex. By contrast, a homosexual male couple would by definition lack a mother, and a lesbian couple would be unable to provide a father.

Healy’s tweet received substantial pushback from conservatives on social media:

Earlier this month, Healy also proposed legislation to exempt menstrual products for “people who menstruate” from the state sales tax, drawing similar scrutiny for her rhetorical ode to gender fluidity:

This week, South Dakota banned the practice of chemically or surgically “transitioning” minors to a facsimile of the opposite sex. Last year, the state prohibited gender-confused biological males from participating in female-specific school athletic programs.

Source: South Dakota Democrat says wanting kids to have a mom and dad is ‘dangerous and un-American’ – LifeSite

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