Situation Update, Mar 31st: Those taking vaccines are shockingly ignorant of the criminal fraud behind Big Pharma

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Those taking the vaccine are shockingly ignorant of all the relevant facts

Nearly everyone taking covid vaccines does so out of stunning ignorance:

  • They have zero knowledge of the history of criminal behavior by Big Pharma and foolishly think the vaccine manufacturers are interested in “safety.”
  • They mistakenly think the FDA “approved” these vaccines after extensive safety studies and long-term trials. That’s simply not true. In reality, the FDA granted “emergency authorization approval” for vaccines as an experimental intervention that has not been subjected to long-term safety trials.
  • They have no idea that the mRNA platform used with these vaccines is a new, untested, experimental platform for hijacking the body’s cells and programming them to churn out non-human proteins. The long-term consequences of this biohacking of the human body are completely unknown.
  • The are completely unaware of the medium-term risks of Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) which may cause a fatal hyperinflammatory reaction to pathogen exposure in the wild.

Quite literally, every single person taking covid vaccines right now is doing so under a stunning degree of dangerous ignorance. In truth, most of them don’t want to know about…


Read full story here: Source: Situation Update, Mar 31st: Those taking vaccines are shockingly ignorant of the criminal fraud behind Big Pharma –


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