Segregation of the “Unmasked” has Dark Echoes of the Past – Unity News Network

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Will humanity ever learn from history – or are we destined to make the same mistakes over and over again?

What we are witnessing during this whole “Covid Pandemic” is the slow creep of totalitarianism eroding our freedom and liberty under the guise of “keeping us safe”, a method used by tyrants throughout history.

A vast swathe of the nation is openly embracing the strict regime of multiple lockdowns and continuous mask wearing, this blind unquestioning obedience is leading us down a very dark path.  Why do I say this – let me explain.

Yesterday a friend phoned me, from outside of a local Dunelm store (a British home furnishings retailer) she explained she had been refused entry.  Exempt from mask wearing she was informed that to enter she would have to wear a yellow sticker, this was store policy.  She politely refused.  Security then appeared on the scene and asked her to move away from the entrance.  She felt humiliated and ostracised.

A day after the phone call, I stumbled across an article about Vera Sharav, a Holocaust survivor, thissegment struck a chord with me, it mirrored my friend’s experience at the hands of Dunelm employees.

As a child survivor of the Nazi reign of terror, I learned indelible lessons about the nature of evil, Sharav says. I know the consequences of being stigmatised and demonised as being a ‘spreader’ of disease.  My perspective is informed by my experience, by the historical record, and by the empirical evidence.”

As a Jew, Sharav was required to wear the yellow Star of David on her clothing at all times, so that she could be identified, segregated and discriminated against. By law, Jews were not allowed to engage in society like other Germans. They were barred from ordinary activities, including educational, religious and cultural gatherings. Their private property was impounded and they were forbidden to travel.

The Yellow Star of David or a yellow sticker at the local Dunelm Store – chilling similarities. 

Vera Sharav, is now a human rights advocate and founder of the Alliance for Human Research Protection (AHRP).  She warns that the global response to COVID-19 mirrors the tactics employed in Nazi Germany to segregate Jews and other “undesirables”.

Indeed, when you look at history, pandemic exercises through the years and planning reports by globalist non-governmental organisations, you get the distinct impression that the pandemic measures rolled out for COVID-19 are the culmination of decades of careful planning to radically and permanently alter the governance and social structures of the world.

Klaus Schwab the Founder and Chairman of the World Economic Forum has written books on the The Fourth Industrial Revolution and The Great Reset – outlining the supranational body’s plans for a global future.  Another term recently adopted is “Build Back Better”.

What is The Great Reset?

The Great Reset is a new “social contract” that ties you to it through an electronic ID linked to your bank account and health records, and a “social credit” ID that will dictate every facet of your life. The plan is to usher in a tech-driven dystopia free of democratic controls, they speak of this plan as a way to bring us back into harmony with nature.  Malignant narcissists, psychopaths and those with antisocial traits are often known to use a plethora of diversionary tactics that distort reality.

Unbeknown to a majority of the populace during the “covid plandemic” tactics were deployed by SAGE tomanipulate public behaviour to achieve compliance of Government imposed restrictions.  These tactics appear to be based upontorture & coercion techniques used on Prisoners of War, using the Biderman ‘Chart of Coercion.


The face mask is nothing more than a symbol of submission and compliance to a global order – I call it the Chinafication of the west.

I have previously reported on the problems surrounding hypoxia/hypercapnia and theincreased risk of infection and the fact that 3 medical journals refused to publish a long awaited Danish mask study simply because the outcome did not fit the required “narrative”.

This week we see the publication of another peer reviewed study from a group of Stanford researchers that finds masks are ineffective to block human to human transmission of viral infectious disease and could have long-term health consequences.  Again this is being censored.

A medical risk analysis hasNOTbeen provided for the masking protocol, so my question is in a world where health & safety laws and practices are in place – how are authorities getting away with this?

And more importantly, why are we letting them?



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