Second Holocaust? CDC covid camps have no plans to allow healthy people to leave –

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(Natural News) There is a very clear pattern beginning to form with the American government’s Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) agenda. We have seen this pattern before, perhaps most recently with World War II and the infamous concentration camps where the “unclean” were sent to be “sanitized.”


This time around, a scary virus from China (or Fort Detrick?) is the excuse for hauling off the “dangerous” to internment facilities where they can be “cleansed” of the virus and released back into society – or will they?

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has introduced a “Green Zone” plan that involves “shielding” certain people in “humanitarian settings” in order to protect against Chinese Virus infection. Reading between the lines, though, reveals that there is absolutely nothing humanitarian about any of it.

The “interim” plan from the CDC, as we reported, involves relocating and isolating individuals to supposedly “stop the spread” of the Fauci Flu. This sounds eerily similar to the Nazi propaganda back in the 1930s.

“This is merely the kick-off as we have yet to see the end plan – or have we?” asks the Monkey Werx blog.

The CDC’s plan, it adds, “begins with home isolation, then quickly goes to the neighborhood level, and then into camps.”

We have already seen the home isolation phase, soon to be followed by the neighborhood-level phase which will have to involve some kind of external policing and enforcement. There will also need to be routes for sending food and supplies with no movement in or out of the “green zones” without permission.

“Just like Dachau,” Monkey Werx explains, referring to one of the World War II death camps, “they will have one entry point which will be used to exchange food and supplies and bring in the infected, and there will be no movement inside or outside the green zone.”

“According to the plan, inside the neighborhood and camps, they will separate children and genders. One thing that is glaringly missing in this plan is the exit of healthy people; it isn’t even mentioned.”

In order to “save lives,” many will have to die

The way the CDC will know who to capture and take away to one of the “green zones” is by using.

Read full story here: Second Holocaust? CDC covid camps have no plans to allow healthy people to leave –

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