NO doctors or nurses have died ‘involving’ Covid for three years…

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As a Scottish concerned citizen in the post-2020 era with over twenty years’ experience in science and data analysis, I have been looking on with frequently raised eyebrows at the response to the alleged Covid–19 pandemic. Almost nothing made sense to me from a health standpoint. It was actually the inverse of public health. One example was that I knew from research conducted in the early 2000s that chronic fear is the most harmful state for immune system health—and yet we had relentless daily government briefings and mainstream media Covid–19 case and death counts terrorising people in their own homes.

My first true moment of pandemic awakening came in June 2020, when the Scottish Government mandated masks for public transport and then the following month for shops. Shortly before these mask mandates, Scotland reached zero ‘Covid’ deaths—so clearly, masks were not required to ‘defeat the virus’. You will also recall that in 2020, masks were said to be of no use against the virus; this advice came from several UK and Scottish Government ‘experts’.  

From this point of confusion, I decided to fact-check the Government and their advisors with the best quality scentific data and especially the real-world data, both past and present. I dusted off some old biology manuals stored in the attic. Was I missing something; was I wrong; how would I know?

I resorted to keeping analysis simple by basing conclusions on cold, hard facts difficult to argue against, and the best source for me was National Records of Scotland data and Freedom of Information Act requests. 

No pandemic

The more I checked the data, the more I reached the same conclusion: there was no pandemic-level event taking place in Scotland. Hospitals were largely empty, and Scotland had been through higher periods of mortality many times in the recent past. (For example, National Records of Scotland data shows that in week 1 of the year 2000, 2,275 people died, as against ‘peak Covid’ in week 15 of 2020, when 1,978 died from all causes).

If I adjusted for population, the deaths in that first week of 2000 would equal 2,400 in today’s terms. So 20% more people died in week 1 of 2000 than at the time of peak deaths in 2020. No-one seemed to know or care. A pandemic? And how many of these excess deaths in 2020 were due to the lockdown itself, and not the virus? The once-in-a-century narrative of pandemic has now been seen to be an epidemic of media and political hysteria and pseudoscience which has undoubtedly killed people unnecessarily, young and old

The most stunning revelation arrived recently, when I discovered through a response issued under the Freedom of Information Act that not a single doctor or nurse had died in Scotland ‘involving’ Covid–19 over three years of a pandemic. So those working on the front lines, treating the sickest patients spreading a deadly virus, were not dying!

Source: Scottish FoI response: NO doctors or nurses have died ‘involving’ Covid for three years

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