Scientific Report: COVID 19 Injections Reprogram The Innate Immune System To Attack Its Own Organs!

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“The people in the study were all over the age of 50 and died at different intervals in the two weeks following their vaccination. After microscopically studying tissue samples of the deceased, the pathologists found something out of the ordinary, yet common among each sample.

The pathologists pinpoint the occurrence of a “lymphocyte riot” among the ten autopsied bodies. The pathologists found an obscene number of lymphocytes in several tissues, including the liver, kidneys, spleen, and uterus. The lymphocytes aggressively attacked the tissue in these organs, causing organ damage.

This autoimmune nightmare is more than likely a life-threatening consequence of the Covid-19 vaccination. Burkhardt and two other pathologists confirmed that vaccines initiated this pathogenesis for five of the ten cases studied. In two of the cases, the vaccination was ruled a “probable” cause of death. One case is yet to be evaluated, and the other two deaths are “rather coincident” or “possibly” caused by the vaccine.”

“Many of the deaths post-vaccination are not attributed back to the vaccine because lymphocytic myocarditis is rarely detected macroscopically and is not recognised histologically. Even though this health issue is occurring more frequently in the young and the old following Covid-19 vaccination, lymphocytic myocarditis is often mistaken as a general infarction and blamed on other causes,” Dr Burkhardt stated.

Dr Burkhardt further explained that “the most lethal vaccine side effects include autoimmune phenomena. Three extremely rare autoimmune diseases were detected among the deceased. These included Sjogren’s syndrome, leucoclasmic vasculitis of the skin, and Hashimoto’s disease. Other life-threatening adverse events include a reduction in immune system function, vascular damage, vasculitis, perivasculitis and erythrocyte clumping.”

One study provides further evidence that Covid jabs reprogram the innate and adaptive immune system, priming the body for immune depletion, virus interference and cancer. The researchers observed that the immune cells of the “doubly vaccinated” produced significantly less interferon (IFN-?) when stimulated later.

“This may hamper the initial innate immune response against the virus, as defects in TLR7 have been shown to result in an increased susceptibility to COVID-19 in young males,” the researchers wrote. “In short, the vaccinated are having critical facets of their innate immune system weakened and depleted. This immune depletion may never be linked back to the vaccine, because a new variant of infection or a cancer diagnosis can always be labelled as the cause.”

Article Source: Scientific Report: COVID 19 Vaccines Reprogram The Innate Immune System To Attack Its Own Organs! – The True Defender !

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