School Boards Are Willing to Risk the Physical Injury and Death of Children Because They Can’t Be Charged per HHS Memo

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Below are excerpts of an email I sent to the board of my son’s school district. My son’s school was excluded from the county mandate. I recommend no one in a public service role in your community have plausible deniability.

September 28, 2021

As the mother of a teenager who is a student of SMUSD, and a 20+ year biotech/pharma/med-device marketer and analyst, I CONDEMN the COVID-19 VACCINE MANDATE FOR SAN DIEGO SCHOOLS.

The SDUSD BOARD’s and UCSD EXPERT PANEL’s authority and influence over the COVID-19 VACCINE MANDATE FOR SAN DIEGO SCHOOLS is based on your knowledge, expertise and moral aptitude regarding the health benefits and risks of those students and faculty who may be mandated to be vaccinated. The SDUSD BOARD’s decision to pass or not pass the COVID-19 VACCINE MANDATE FOR SAN DIEGO SCHOOLS, as guided by the UCSD EXPERT PANEL, may also be based on the individual and collective knowledge of personal civil and criminal liability risks.

To ensure the SDUSD BOARD and UCSD EXPERT PANEL does not have plausible deniability regarding the risk for physical harm, permanent disabilities, autoimmune diseases and deaths for teenagers and young adults aged 16 years of age and older from the COMIRNATY and/or other EUA COIVD-19 vaccines, this communication will focus on some false and misleading statements issued by the SDUSD BOARD and UCSD EXPERT PANEL from the COVID-19 VACCINATION ROADMAP.

It is important to note that NO STATEMENTS MADE by the SDUSD BOARD or UCSD EXPERT PANEL in the COVID-19 VACCINATION ROADMAP provide any scientific, medical, or legal references or source documents.Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that the majority of the scientific, medical, and legal content in the COVID-19 VACCINATION ROADMAP is both false and disingenuous.

Per slide 5 of the COVID-19 VACCINATION ROADMAP, Robert (Chip) Schooley, Division of Infectious Disease & Global Public Health, goes so far as to openly confess that his support is also politically motivated when stating,

“It (COVID-19 VACCINE MANDATE FOR SAN DIEGO SCHOOLS) will also ‘mainstream’ the policy around COVID”.

Per slide 3 of COVID-19 VACCINATION ROADMAP, entitled “The Science,” the first bullet point states:

“Vaccines are fully approved by the FDA only once an extremely high level of confidence that effectiveness and benefits clearly outweigh known or potential risks.”

The above statement referring to COMIRNATY, as well as other FDA authorized vaccines for COVID-19, regarding benefits versus known or potential risks is unfounded, false, and reckless.

Per the FDA’s ownVRBPAC PowerPoint presentation, slide 16, dated October 22, 2020, the FDA states anticipated serious adverse events that can result in permanent injuries, autoimmune diseases, chronic diseases, disabilities, and death from the COVID19 vaccines.

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These serious adverse events (SAEs) have been reported in VAERS as well as in the CMS data base.It is important to note that DEATH is listed as a potential adverse event from the COVID-19 vaccines.

Death has proven to be a known adverse event from the COVID-19 vaccines, with 15,386 deaths reported to date in VAERS. In the CMS database 48,465 people died within 72 hours of their 1st or 2nd dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. This is 3x’s the number of total deaths reported in VAERS. This mortality data is from only up to 3 days post-dose of a 1st or 2nd injection. CMS only accounts for 18% of the US population. As electronic health record (EHR) databases continue to be audited through whistleblowers and lawsuits, the final number of lives lost by the COVID-19 injections will be horrifying to the American people and residents of San Diego County.

The incidence of myocarditis/pericarditis (heart inflammation) in children and teenagers from the COVID-19 vaccine vs the flu vaccine is alarming. On average, there has been zero to 1 incidence of heart inflammation in children aged 6-18 over the past 20 years of flu vaccines. In less than one year of COVID-19 vaccinations, there are already 908 incidences of heart inflammation reported in VAERS in children alone. The children and young adults who have been admitted to a hospital with heart inflammation are those with severe enough symptoms to merit an emergency visit.

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Many children, teenagers, and young adults injected with a COVID-19 vaccine may be suffering more mild symptoms and unaware that their fatigue, weakness. and/or shortness of breath is caused by inflammation of their heart from a COVID-19 vaccine. Per the FDA’s own approval letter, dated August 23, 2021, there has been enough meaningful incidences of heart inflammation correlated with the Pfizer/BioNTech COVD-19 vaccine to merit SIX (6) additional safety studies regarding the incidence of heart inflammation caused by COMIRNATY and the long-term effects of myocarditis in both adults and children.  These myocarditis studies alone should be enough to stop all mandatory vaccinations, as the FDA does not know how quickly this serious adverse event will progress to permanent injuries, chronic diseases, disabilities, and death.

Per an article in Circulation, the publication of the American Heart Association, prospective data has “implicated myocarditis in sudden cardiac death of young adults at rates of 8.6% to 12%. Furthermore, it has been identified as a cause of dilated cardiomyopathy in 9% of cases in a large prospective series. Recent molecular techniques have facilitated new insights into inflammatory autoimmune processes that affect the myocardium and ultimately result in acute or chronic dilated cardiomyopathy.”

Although the FDA approval letter states that the FDA is unclear regarding the mechanism of action causing heart inflammation, there are several well-established ways the COVID-19 vaccines can cause myocarditis, including but not limited to;

  • The mRNA in the vaccines produces the disease-causing SARS-CoV-2 spike protein that binds to the ACE2 receptors of the heart causing inflammation.
  • The Pfizer lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) that encapsulate the mRNA, have been shown to cause mass inflammation of the heart and lungs in animals.
  • The antibodies produced by the immune system in response to the spike protein from the mRNA vaccine can result in immunogenicity. Immunogenicity can cause autoimmune diseases, such as Pompe’s disease. The first symptom of Pompe’s disease is often heart inflammation and children often have a 2-year prognosis when diagnosed. Please see FDA Presentation – ‘Immunogenicity – What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You and the Patient.’

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In case the SDUSD BOARD and EXPERT PANEL are unaware, COMIRNATY is protein-based therapy as it uses synthetic genetic code to produce the SARS-CoV-2 viral spike protein. (See below for verbatim language from pg. 6 of theAugust 23rd, FDA/BLA approval.)

Per the FDA’s own expert analysis, entitledImmunogenicity of Protein-Based Therapies, ‘A major problem with protein-based therapeutics is their immunogenicity, that is, their tendency to trigger an unwanted immune response against themselves….antibodies can also cause complications that can be life-threatening.’

While Dr. Fauci has frequently boasted of the mRNA vaccines augmenting a ‘robust immune response,’ in some cases this ‘robust immune response,’ can turn out to be extremely harmful and lethal, especially in children and young healthy teenagers and adults.


To further substantiate my previous statement, the FDA and Pfizer have analyzed enough data to determine the extent of the effects of COMIRNATY causing immunogenicity are unknown and that Study C4591007 needs to be completed to ‘evaluate the immunogenicity and safety of lower dose levels of COMIRNATY in individuals 12 through <30years of age.

Not only is the above listed COMIRNATY immunogenicity study alone enough to make a parent’s heart drop, the safety-study also requires a lower dose of the mRNA that is currently available in COMIRNATYfor students 12 years of age and older. The current dose is 30mcg per dose.

Per the FDA’s own documents, it is evident that the known and potential risks of COMIRNATY may result in harm, permanent injuries, autoimmune diseases, and death in SDUSD students and staff, and yet the SDUSD BOARD and EXPERT PANEL have the audacity to proclaim, “that effectiveness and benefits clearly outweigh known or potential risks.”

I believe one of the major contributing reasons why the SDUSD BOARD and EXPERT PANEL, as well as numerous other local and national organizations are under the delusion that they have the right to yield unbridled tyrannical authority in mandating unhealthy, damaging, and sometimes deadly mandates such as the COVID-19 VACCINE MANDATE FOR SAN DIEGO SCHOOLS, is because of the ‘immunity clause’ under the PREP ACT per the EUA.


Per the PREP Act;

Willful misconduct is misconduct that is greater than any form of recklessness or negligence.  It is defined in the PREP Act as an act or failure to act that is taken: 

·    intentionally to achieve a wrongful purpose;

·    knowingly without legal or factual justification; and 

·    in disregard of a known or obvious risk that is so great as to make it highly probable that the harm will outweigh the benefit. 

All three of these conditions must be proven with clear and convincing evidence. 

Willful misconduct cannot be found against

·    manufacturer or distributor for actions regulated by HHS under the Public Health Service Act or the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, if HHS chooses not to take an enforcement action against the manufacturer or distributor, or if HHS terminates or settles an enforcement action without imposing a criminal, civil, or administrative penalty; or 

·    program planner or qualified person who acts in accordance with applicable directions, guidelines, or recommendations issued by the HHS regarding administration and use of a countermeasure as long as HHS or the  State or local health authority is notified about the serious injury or death within seven days of its discovery.

Unfortunately for the SDUSD BOARD and EXPERT PANEL, the US Constitution and the 14th and 9th Amendments override your delusional authority to place the students and faculty of the San Diego School District at KNOWN RISKS FOR PERMANENT INJURY, AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES, DISABILITIES, and DEATHS with no proven benefits, other than your financial gain. The PREP Act does not override the inalienable God-given rights of the American people granting the SDUSD BOARD and EXPERT PANEL immunity from ‘willful misconduct,’ despite the numerous memos or emails you have received reassuring you that you have malfeasant tyrannical reign to willfully to coerce and conspire to harm, injure, or murder San Diego students and faculty by an FDA approved biological agent.

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Under the 9th Amendment, the Federal Government cannot pass laws that enable the government to enable local governments, private organizations, or individuals to commit acts of Domestic violence against U.S. citizens. In other words, for example, conspiracy to commit aggravated assault and murder of minors and adults through coercion cannot be made legal by the US Federal government, CA state elected officials, or other local governments.

COMIRNATY was unlawfully approved by the FDA and has proven to cause PERMANENT INJURY, AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES, DISABILITIES, and DEATHS in children, teenagers, young adults, adults, and the elderly. The long-term risks and mortality are still unknown as the product has not even completed the short-term safety studies of 2-5 years. This is just some of the young lives lost to the COVID-19 injections.

As the mother of a teenager and a 20+ year biotech/pharma/med-device marketer and analyst, I CONDEMN the COVID-19 VACCINE MANDATE FOR SAN DIEGO SCHOOLS.

I have cc’d numerous media outlets, welcoming the SDUSD BOARD and EXPERT PANEL to discuss their decision in the court of public opinion.


Karen Kingston

San Diego Resident


Source: School Boards Are Willing to Risk the Physical Injury and Death of Children Because They Can’t Be Charged per HHS Memo

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