Scaring Us Into Submission – The New American

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Article Source: Scaring Us Into Submission – The New American

Propaganda is causing a chaotic and disordered fear response in the American people and in others worldwide, empowering our socialist super-class to remake the world.

America’s ruling class and the propagandists in the mainstream “media” continue to do as much as possible to stampede the public into mass panic over COVID-19 in order to generate support for, or prevent opposition to, various totalitarian agenda points. The envisioned measures include new and aggressive lockdowns, biometric tracking, digital identity, and other platform proposals for the United Nations/World Economic Forum’s communistic “Great Reset.” (Incredibly, the World Economic Forum, and other institutions and elites it’s in cahoots with, have proclaimed that if their vision comes to pass, you will not only not be able to own property, but you will not own anything, including the clothes on your back. All things will be rented or provided by government. Nervous yet?)

Don’t buy into the elites’ fearmongering — it is unjustified. They want you to believe that a frighteningly large number of people, including children, will die from COVID. The fact is, the vast majority of people will not die from COVID-19 under current circumstances.

A part of the panic propaganda is based on appealing to people’s innate and instinctual fear for the safety of children. “Think of the children” has long been a cherished propaganda ploy used by statists seeking to pass onerous legislation that limits freedom and arrogates additional powers to the state. The classic examples of this phenomenon are child safety seats, bike helmets, and the 55 mile-per-hour speed limit. Each of these policies featured “think of the children” elements of propaganda as part of the effort to “sell” these policies to a resistant public. It is no different today with COVID.

As a recent example, multiple mainstream media sources carried a variation of this headline as it appeared in the New York Daily News on November 16: “More than 1 million kids in U.S. have had coronavirus, pediatricians say.”

The headline is designed to shock and awe and evoke a fear response. The article itself quotes a doctor who emphasizes the horror of the finding. “‘As a pediatrician who has practiced medicine for over three decades, I find this number staggering and tragic,’ Dr. Sally Goza, president of the American Academy of Pediatrics, said in a statement. ‘We haven’t seen a virus flash through our communities in this way since before we had vaccines for measles and polio.’”

Naturally, because of this terrible number of childhood cases, we need more of everything that big government can provide, according to Dr. Goza. “We must work now to restore confidence in our public health and scientific agencies, create fiscal relief for families and pediatricians alike, and support the systems that support children and families such as our schools, mental health care, and nutrition assistance.”

This is propaganda, and we can break it down and reveal it for what it is.

Read the full story here: Scaring Us Into Submission – The New American

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