Russia’s War Against Psy-Ops is Our War: Part 2 – Psychological Operations and the COVID Psy-Op

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The first essay in this series sought to draw connections between the Covid and Ukraine issues.  The most obvious is that U. S. bioweapons/biodefense programs, of which Americans were not even aware, played a formative role in both.  Another is that both stampeded the public, and Congress, into supporting far-reaching spending initiatives. They did this by silencing dissenters, stifling debate, and knowingly exploiting emotional triggers such as fear and hate. Solid majorities of both parties were united on both issues.  Here I would like to focus on the aims and deceptions involved in the Covid psy-op.

PSY-OPS—What are they?

Psychological operations have always been used in war, but have been a major focus of military research in the U. S. and Great Britain since World War I.  The U. S. in particular applied the work of Edward Bernays, the father of “public relations” who was instrumental in the formation of the Council of Foreign Relations, to demonize German people during WWI, to the point where a large, proud U. S. ethnic group made itself culturally invisible thereafter.  In the U.S., mind-control has been a major preoccupation of the government, expressed in the actions of both the CIA and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency after WWII—a fascinating, horrible and well-documented story which all Americans should know and ponder.

The aim of psy-ops, generally, is to achieve military or political objectives with combat, destruction, and uncertainty, using deception and fear.  Psy-ops undermine an enemy’s will and ability to fight, by

  • undermining its government;
  • weakening the enemy’s belief in the rightness of its cause; and
  • sowing fear in its leadership and population.

But psy-ops are also used on one’s own citizens, to

  • paint one’s own country as morally superior by suppressing evidence to the contrary, and evoking emotional “clan” responses to exaggerated threats;
  • bolster support with information that may be true, misleading, or false;
  • dehumanize the enemy;
  • cloak one’s own aggressive motives and actions by imputing them to the enemy; and
  • distract attention from domestic political difficulties.

We live in an era in which elites have achieved unparalleled mastery of mind-control, but also in an era with the freest, most independent media the world has ever seen—which elites are desperately trying to control.   The battle between the controllers of “official” narratives and the myriad of uncontrolled independent operators on the internet is ongoing.  The outcome depends upon whether we learn to recognize official narratives and presumptively distrust them, just as we would not knowingly follow instructions from anyone who has lied to us in the past.  As the Covid saga shows, the consequences of misplaced trust in authoritative sources can be devastating.

The Covid Psy-Op:

The aims of the Covid psy-op are still the subject of debate, but appear to include —

  • fulfilling the career aspirations of empire-builders, and the compulsion of bureaucracies to continually expand;
  • erecting a smokescreen behind which another set of empire-builders, in the defense establishment, pursue their own bureaucratic dreams in bioweaponry;
  • incubating new industries in surveillance, big data, mind-control, and related fields birthed by unaccountable DoD research agencies, and managed by entrepreneurs with access to government and private capital, federal revenue streams and vaccine mandates;
  • applying well-developed techniques of fear-mongering to win public consent for suspending civil liberties and whatever agenda any well-connected player succeeds in pushing through our pay-to-play political system;
  • expanding powers to silence dissidents–scientists, journalists, and ordinary citizens—by cracking down on “misinformation”;
  • forging alliances among political parties, corporations, international organizations, news media, and the entertainment industry–to render the world population politically impotent, dazed, helpless, and co-opted into welcoming a dystopia; and
  • suppressing less-costly, more effective alternative solutions to the problems which agencies were created to solve—so as not to endanger the hidden agendas listed above. Such abuses are a violation of the public trust and would not be tolerated for a moment by a people or government able to distinguish between truth and dishonesty.

The reader is invited to confirm or refute the assertions made here by venturing further into the world of independent media and applying critical thinking to what he or she finds there.  Two good starting points regarding Covid are the websites at, and this site.

Among the most salient deceptions propagated in the Covid psy-op are these:

  • COVID occurred naturally, and not as a result of banned US bioweapons research. False.  S. bioweapons/biodefense R&D made Covid-19 possible. The circumstances surrounding the continuation of U. S. gain-of-function research in a laboratory controlled by the Chinese military remain almost completely unexplored—was it treasonous, part of a worldwide conspiracy by oligarchs, or simply a massive, criminally negligent screw-up?
  • COVID was an existential threat requiring the abrogation of civil liberties and suspension of the rule of law. False. While Covid was a real-enough illness, initial projections were exaggerated, PCR tests produced many false positives, different risk profiles for different age groups were obscured, data collection was skewed by conflating death “from Covid” with death “with Covid,” and most importantly, knowledge and use of safe and effective early treatments that would have saved hundreds of thousands of lives were suppressed.  
  • Civil liberties, due process, and the rule of law were not actually abrogated; the lockdown measures were legally justified because an emergency obviously existed. False. Panic was deliberately stoked to sell vaccines and stampede the enactment of draconian infringements of personal and property rights.  By short-circuiting legal procedures, such as considering all alternatives, publishing proposed rules, allowing comment periods, and convening public hearings, the societal costs of anti-Covid measures were not weighed against the presumed benefits.  Had they been, the measures would not have been enacted.  How could government have allowed this to occur?
  • People who did not comply were anti-social and Enemies of the People.   The most vilified included the health professionals most qualified to advise government on Covid response measures.  The “vaccine hesitant” were mindful of the fragility of our Constitution and democratic institutions; the compliant undermined them.  The Enemies of the People were those who failed to appreciate the values enshrined in our Constitution, which they subverted without any qualms.
  • The vaccines are 95% effective and safe, including for pregnant women and infants, in accordance with the FDA’s rigorous approval standards. The benefit/risk calculus for booster shots is positive for all age groups.  False. As Daily Clout is revealing, initially-suppressed documents show that the vaccine makers and the FDA knew that this claim and others were false but made them and imposed them on everyone anyway.

The consequences of injecting an entire generation, including mothers and infants, with substances now known to cause lasting harm are now appearing, but will not be fully known for several years.  But even before the damage can be tallied, Americans, Ukrainians, and people all over the world are bracing for a new set of harms inflicted by another psy-op: the camouflaged decision to launch hybrid war against Russia on the pretext of its invasion of the Ukraine.  I will address the psy-ops aspects of the Ukraine affair in my next article.

William Jacoby is a retired former manager and staff attorney of non-profit community development programs and for-profit start-up renewable energy companies.

Source: Russia’s War Against Psy-Ops is Our War: Part 2 – Psychological Operations and the COVID Psy-Op – DailyClout

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