Rulers Prepare To Execute “Cyber Polygon” Drill On Friday

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Cyber Polygon is a unique cybersecurity event that combines the world’s largest technical training exercise for corporate teams and an online conference featuring senior officials from international organizations and leading corporations.  The global elitists are going to test what a massive cyberattack that takes down infrastructure and the power grid worldwide would look like.

For those who think this is not a big deal, please remember event 201, which was a simulation of a coronavirus pandemic in which the media was used to constantly push the fear manipulating the public into obedient compliance with any amount of ridiculous commands.  What will cyber polygon bring?

Nothing good since it a part of the World Economic Forum’s agenda for totalitarian global domination.

Following up on last year’s cyber pandemic simulation, this year’s Cyber Polygon will hold live training exercises responding to “a targeted supply chain attack on a corporate ecosystem in real-time, according to a report by Socialable. 

Running parallel to the training exercise will be discussions on how to tackle everything from ransomware and supply chain attacks to implementing “resilient” digital currencies, and a desire for global governance on the internet.

We all know, but still pay insufficient attention to, the frightening scenario of a comprehensive cyber attack, which would bring a complete halt to the power supply, transportation, hospital services, our society as a whole” — Klaus Schwab, WEF, 2020

So what if the rulers do turn off the power? What if in order to get it back, your compliance will be mandatory? What about digital currencies? What about your slave wages? Those will be contingent and without a doubt, traced, tracked, and surveilled. We know that’s a goal.  These are just questions, I am not stating anything.

The COVID-19 crisis would be seen in this respect as a small disturbance in comparison to a major cyberattack,” said…

Read full story here: Rulers Prepare To Execute “Cyber Polygon” Drill On Friday | Principia Scientific Intl.

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