RFK Jr. Blows the Lid Off How the CIA Manipulates American News Media

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The CIA and Deep State rule America with an Iron Fist, that they keep hidden behind total media control. Super-Thread on their Mockingbird program

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.:

“The United States funds journalism in almost every country in the world. It owns newspapers. It has journalists, thousands of journalists on its payroll.

They’re not supposed to be doing that in the United States. But in 2016, President Obama changed the law to make it legal now for the CIA to propagandize Americans.

We can’t look at the Ukraine war and how the narrative has been formed in the minds of Americans and say that the CIA had nothing to do with that.”

Operation Mockingbird is a CIA program initiated in the early years of the Cold War, aimed at influencing the international and domestic media.

This covert project, revealed to the public through declassified documents and investigative reporting, shows a darker side to the battle for ideological supremacy between the U.S. and Soviet Union, played out in newspapers, radio, and television broadcasts worldwide.

The inception of Operation Mockingbird can be traced back to the post-World War II period, when the Cold War began. Fear of Soviet influence and communism was rampant in the United States, leading to a surge of intelligence operations.

Frank Wisner, a prominent figure in the Office of Strategic Services, predecessor of the CIA, was selected to spearhead this propaganda program.

Operation Mockingbird reportedly originally included about 25 media organizations and 400 journalists. These journalists were covertly paid by the CIA and acted under its guidance, producing content that propagated U.S. propaganda, skewed international perception, and manipulated public opinion in favor of U.S. policies.

The list spanned from renowned journalists to student interns, embedded within influential newspapers, magazines, television networks, and radio stations, both domestically and internationally.

The CIA’s media manipulation went beyond just spreading propaganda. It included direct information warfare, such as publishing fake stories, silencing critical voices, suppressing unfavorable news, and even running a full-fledged media campaign to overthrow foreign governments.

Perhaps the most glaring example of such manipulation was in the overthrow of Iran’s Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh in 1953, where CIA-funded media outlets ran a series of negative stories to destabilize his government.

The existence of Operation Mockingbird was fully revealed during the Church Committee investigations in the mid-1970s, causing public outrage. The Church Committee was a U.S. Senate Select Committee tasked with investigating the abuses of the CIA, NSA, FBI, and IRS.

Its reports showed how the CIA had, for decades, used media outlets to manipulate public opinion and infringe on the free press.

In response to these revelations, the then CIA Director, Deep State George H. W. Bush, announced a new policy in 1976, declaring that the CIA would no longer enter into paid or contractual relationships with full-time or part-time news correspondents accredited by U.S. news service, newspapers, periodicals, radio or television networks or stations.

Rather, they now control various investments and companies and through them pay even more journalists today, showing absolute control over Left and Right media.

While the CIA officially disavowed such practices, there remains concern among some observers that intelligence agencies continue to wield total control and over media organizations covertly. Given the clandestine nature of such operations, the extent of the truth may never be fully known.

Unless We can get President Trump into office, as he pledges to take down the Deep State. This above all makes him target number one and why informed Americans love him more and more.


Source: RFK Jr. Blows the Lid Off How the CIA Manipulates American News Media | Principia Scientific Intl.

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