Revealed: Propaganda Template For Vaccine Passports

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Government propaganda and brain washing are all in full effect in regards to vaccines. It’s pretty simple, you either submit to the  gene therapy (aka vaccine) or we will make your life absolutely impossible. Below is an article from that gives ten points of vaccine propaganda.

With reports that President Joe Biden’s administration is planning for imposing a vaccine passport mandate in America, expect to see in the media a deluge of vaccine passport propaganda. What will that propaganda look like? A template illustrating several elements you can expect to see in the propaganda push was provided several weeks ago in a CNN interview.

In the first week of March, host Fareed Zakaria and his guest Arthur Caplan provided at CNN a textbook example of how to present vaccine passport propaganda to the American people. Let’s look at some of the major elements of the propaganda template as demonstrated by Zakaria and Caplan.

1) Include some short expression that the idea of vaccine passports can be troubling, but make sure to only bring this up superficially.

2) Frame the imposing of a vaccine passport mandate as something that is both inevitable and threatens only minimal, if any, harm.

3) Bring on a guest who, despite his description making him sound like someone who would be looking out for the interests of people concerned about vaccine passports, pretty much says that vaccine passports are the best thing since sliced bread.

4) Reiterate that vaccine passports are inevitable, and that people should support them.

5) Declare that vaccine passports must be imposed on the American people because of coronavirus.

6) Say that mandating vaccine passports is really no big deal because of some other supposedly very similar restriction to which some people are already subjected.

7) Dismiss as insignificant people’s concerns about being required, in order to go about their daily activities, to present a vaccine passport and to take a vaccine, or, really, an experimental coronavirus vaccine that is not even a vaccine under the normal meaning of the term.

8) Dismiss any concern that vaccine passports can in fact harm freedom.

9) Insist that the vaccine passport mandate is fine because it will be applied equally to all people.

10) Declare that a vaccine passport mandate helps encourage people to take the shots.


Read full story here: Source:

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