Residents in Los Angeles’ Venice say ‘world-famous beach and boardwalk are crippled’ by crime

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Well, I hate to say it but this is what you get when you let a delusional, left wing liberal lunatic run your state. Guess that’s one of the many reasons Newsom is going to be recalled… you think? Same thing happened in Seattle.

Residents of Venice Beach in Los Angeles say soaring crime rates and the exploding homeless population have made life in the elite beachside community unbearable.

A ‘catastrophic’ increase in homelessness in Los Angeles has seen hundreds of tents line the beach’s famous boardwalk.

Business owners say they are being forced to close their doors and long-term residents are afraid to leave their homes after dark after being subjected to violent attacks and intimidation.

Recent incidents – including a shooting on April 28 and an explosion at a homeless encampment – have left residents and business owners shaken.

Fed-up locals have written to city and county officials pleading for them to intervene.

Police patrol the Venice Beach Boardwalk on April 20, which has seen an explosion in homeless numbers during COVID lockdowns

The famous palm tree-lined promenade is blighted by fights several times a day, while shootings and stabbings occur every week, says Venice Neighborhood Council member Soledad Ursua.

Venice Beach has traditionally been a major drawcard for tourists, such as the ones above posing for a picture with the Venice sign, but residents say they are afraid to go out after dark now.

Read full story here: Source: Residents in Los Angeles’ Venice say ‘world-famous beach and boardwalk are crippled’ by crime | Daily Mail Online

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