Researchers: Ivermectin effective for every possible Covid application

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Researchers in a study just published in the American Journal of Therapeutics announce, “Ivermectin should be globally and systematically deployed in the prevention and treatment of Covid-19.”

They found that ivermectin is effective for every possible application against the disease, reporting that it increases survival rates, shortens time to recovery regardless of what stage of the illness it is administered, and if taken as a preventative beforehand it reduces the likelihood of contracting the virus.

The authors also noted ivermectin’s “long-standing safety record, low cost, and wide availability.”

This may come as further good news for many.

As Americans continue to contract the disease, albeit in fewer numbers, many prefer options to a vaccine while those who currently have the disease are too late to benefit from vaccination. At the same time, increasing numbers of states seek to normalize commerce and education, while citizens look for a return to normal life altogether.

The article, entitled “Review of the Emerging Evidence Demonstrating the Efficacy of Ivermectin in the Prophylaxis and Treatment of COVID-19,” appeared in the May-June edition. The authors reviewed “published peer-reviewed studies, manuscripts posted to preprint servers, expert meta-analyses, and numerous epidemiological analyses of regions with ivermectin distribution campaigns.”

Examining government initiatives internationally, they report ivermectin lead “to rapid population-wide decreases in morbidity and mortality.”

Ivermectin is “effective in all phases of Covid-19” when taken orally.

The drug also “significantly reduced risks of contracting Covid-19 with the regular use,” the authors reported, referring to its use a preventative among those yet to contact the disease.

Read more here: Article Source: Researchers: Ivermectin effective for every possible Covid application | FreePressers |

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